••dursley•• || wand fight in the bathroom

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The fact that the school year would be ending in only a few short months didn't really feel real to Kendra. Her professors were all shoving their studies as far down their student's throats as they could manage, though it was still much better than it had been their OWL year. Still, it was only the middle of April, and Kendra at the very least had plenty else to figure out.

She and Draco, and somewhat Theo, had nearly completed work on the vanishing cabinet. In the meanwhile, she was trying to make sure that Draco didn't accidentally end up killing someone before Snape could commit the murder that he needed to- though he was fighting very hard against her, even if it was subconscious, as he was a stubborn prick who didn't like to take help from anyone. In addition, Kendra was beginning to figure out what her plan for the after would be. Dumbledore had already laid out her end accomplishments, but getting there would potentially be difficult, particularly if she didn't want to end up dead in the process.

She knew the Death Eaters would invade Hogwarts as soon as Theo reported back to them that the Vanishing Cabinet was finished, and he really couldn't wait much longer after they had actually finished the repairs to check back in. But the Death Eaters were unpredictable, even to Morgana, who had at least some level of premonition based on the fact that she could see the dreams of some very talented seers. There was no telling if they would try to kill her on sight, or try to use her for leverage against Harry again like they had tried the year before, or if they were going to continue with what Kendra could only describe as brainwashing that they had started towards the end of her confinement. And of course, whether or not all of the Death Eaters knew about it, Bellatrix would have told Voldemort all she could about Morgana- and if she didn't he probably figured out anyways, thanks to Dumbledore. And there was no telling if he would see Morgana as an asset or as a threat to his power.

Kendra had laid in bed for nearly an hour one rainy mid-April Friday morning. She had found herself jolting out of sleep earlier and earlier, most likely from the stress of it all. With a quiet sigh, she ran her fingers through her hair before sitting up, noticing Lisa's hastily made bed. There must have been Quidditch practice, and Kendra had either been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Lisa leaving or Lisa had been so silent that Kendra hadn't been able to hear her at all.

She finally got up and got a glass of water to take her medication with. Even after years of taking pills, she still couldn't dry swallow them. The bottle rattled- her painkillers were nearly empty. With a sigh, she popped off the child safety lid and dropped one of the white pills in her hand where a much smaller pink one sat waiting for it's companion. Together, and with a sip of water in an attempt to stop the pink one, who's taste was so foul that Kendra still gagged after years of taking the medication, from touching her tongue at all, she swallowed them in one swift motion. With another sigh, she set the glass next to the pill bottles and laid back down on the bed, closing her eyes, waiting and praying for the pills to kick in and the pain to go away.

She skipped breakfast that day. She hadn't meant to, but it was one of those days, those days where even laying in bed hurt and even the thought of food made her nauseous. Her feet carried her to potions, where she sat next to Hermione without even thinking about it- even though she normally sat with Draco and Theo.

"Kendra?" Hermione whispered, nudging Kendra gently. Hermione, despite the countless laws she had probably broken trying to help Harry, was still a stickler for the small things, like sitting in the right seat and turning in her homework on time. "Kendra, darling, not that I'm complaining, but you're in the wrong seat."

Hermione's voice seemed to bring her out of the funk she had been in all morning, at least somewhat. She looked Hermione in the eyes for a moment, her brain struggling to process the words she had barely heard in the first place before she realized where she was and flushed deeply. She smiled, slightly bashfully at Hermione. "Sorry, it's that kind of day," Kendra sighed, squeezing her eyes shut before blinking rapidly, as though it was a cure-all for all of her problems. Hermione smiled kindly.

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