••dursley•• || training

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Bellatrix rolled her eyes at Kendra, neither of them really wanting to be there. "Get up, mudblood, come on, I don't have all day," Bellatrix snapped at Kendra, who had recently landed on the ground, struggling to control her magic against Bellatrix, who was supposed to be training her. It turned more into a duel than a training session.

"Yes you do," Kendra replied, pulling herself up with some difficulty. "I know for a fact you have nothing else to do but sit here with me."

Bellatrix barely held back a snarl, her wand lashing out and cutting through the sleeve of Kendra's jacket, missing the skin. "Next time, I'll aim for your throat, mudblood. Again."

Kendra took a deep breath, letting Morgana and herself fuse together. As they had practiced, both with Bellatrix and alone, the bond between them had grown stronger. It was no longer a question of possession, where Kendra could allow Morgana to take control of her body, rather a joint effort where they could call on the other's power and thought as they fought. However, it was incredibly draining, and even with Bellatrix's less than humane efforts, Kendra could barely keep the connection strong enough to pull off more than a few moves.

Still, she tried to push the exhaustion off of her. It wasn't the first time she had fought through tiredness, headaches, or nausea just to be able to see the end of the day. She grounded herself, planted her feet, and merged with Morgana. It was a strange feeling, no longer being the singular consciousness in control of a body. She was sure that if she hadn't already been possessed by Morgana a few times, it would have taken her quite a while to adjust to the sensation but this was similar enough to the possession that she brushed the strange feeling off quickly enough.

Bellatrix made the first move, a stunning spell that would have hit her if Kendra hadn't thrown out her hands and put a shield up in front of her. Even that action felt as though she had gone swimming wearing a weighted parka, or like she was trying to run in the sand. A shiver ran up her spine and the hair on her arms stood at attention as though they were part of a minuscule army and they had just had the general walk in on them. Her fingertips began to tingle slightly- she ignored it for the time being. She could not let herself explode as she had in the field the winter before. She had passed out the last time and there was no way of knowing if her body could handle the same amount of power as it had before. As much as she hated acknowledging her imperfections, she was built like a rubber band that had been used one too many times and was floppy and shapeless and didn't quite snap back properly.

They went back and forth a few more times, Bellatrix on the offensive and Kendra blocking each one of her spells. "Make a move, mudblood, you can't sit here and block me forever," Bellatrix barked, catching Kendra off guard and forcing her to dodge the crucio that followed the critique.

Kendra narrowed her eyes, desperately wanting to give Bellatrix a taste of her own medicine. She glanced down at her fingertips, their glow steadily increasing and it was growing steadily faster as her irritation grew. 'Can we zap her?' Morgana practically begged, Kendra's hand already rising. Bellatrix grinned, raising her wand as well, catching that Kendra was going on the attack, and would give her a window of opportunity to truly take Kendra down.

Perhaps Kendra did not have more experience in dueling, but she still struck first, thrusting her glowing hands out with all her might as the light within them released in an explosive beam directed towards Bellatrix.

Bellatrix let out a raw, animalistic scream, and Kendra could not tell if it was from pain or from the frustration of having been beat, but either way, Kendra couldn't bring herself to feel bad. Despite the feeling of having stuck her fingers in a bucket of ice water until they were both too numb to feel and burned fiercely from the cold, not to mention the bought of dizziness that was about to overtake her, she couldn't help but smile in sick satisfaction at the feeling of having beaten the woman who had caused her nothing but pain for nearly sixteen years.

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