••dursley•• || the necklace

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Kendra was still sitting in shock in the chair of Dumbledore's office, though Dumbledore was long gone. She hadn't realized quite how long she had been sitting there, staring at nothing and trying to wrap her head around the new information, until McGonagall burst into the office.

"Albus, you best- Miss Dursley?" McGonagall paused when she saw Kendra, staring off into space. Kendra straightened at last and stood. "What are you doing in here by yourself?"

"Professor Dumbledore left the school," Kendra explained, finally coming back to her senses. "Is it something to do with Harry- never mind, we both know the answer to that. Lead the way, professor."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips for a moment before she turned around and set back down the staircase. "Of course it had something to do with Potter," she replied as the pair moved back to her office. As they set off down the corridor, they ran across Professor Snape, who stared at Kendra for a moment as Professor McGonagall called him over. Kendra could have imagined it, but the look in his eyes had been strange, almost pitying. "Severus, it's best if you come. There's something you need to see."

Professor Snape joined them in her office, where Harry, Ron, Hermione, and a third girl that Kendra had seen at the Gryffindor table a few times before. Harry stared at Kendra, confused as to why she was there. "What is it you wished me to see, Minerva?" Snape asked, sounding bored.

"Over here," McGonagall pointed, and Kendra saw the necklace from Borgin and Burkes. Instantly, she knew what this was about. Draco had attempted to send the necklace to Dumbledore most likely, and someone else had gotten hurt in the process. "Now, Leanne, tell me again, did Katie seem off at all when she returned with the package?"

"She was insistent that she had to give it to Professor Dumbledore, and when I asked her why, she got all defensive," Leanne replied, her lip wobbling. "She was imperioused, wasn't she?"

"It would seem that way, I am sorry," Professor McGonagall sighed. "Why don't you go to the Hospital Wing now?" Leanne nodded, on the brink of tears, and left the office. Kendra watched her leave, her eyes snapping to Snape every now and then. McGonagall turned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Why is it that when something happens, it is always you three?"

"Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years," Ron said, sounding very tired.

"Will Katie be alright?" Harry asked. "I know her, she's a fighter, but that necklace..."

"I cannot say, Potter," McGonagall sighed. "Severus, what do you think?"

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive," Snape said gravely.

"It was Draco Malfoy," Harry said. Kendra wanted to ram her head into a desk (even though he was technically right, it was still annoying, maybe even more so).

"Harry, kindly shut up," Kendra sighed. He ignored her.

"I've seen that necklace before, in a store Malfoy was in," Harry said, as though that was all the proof in the world that he needed.

"Potter, that is a very serious accusation," McGonagall said tersely. "And I hardly think that because this object was in a store you saw Mister Malfoy in once that it condemns him."

"I just know it was him," Harry continued.

"You just... know?" Snape asked incredulously. Harry nodded.

"Oh my God Harry, you've gone in that store too," Kendra sighed. "By that logic, you are equally as likely to have done it." Harry stared at her, probably wondering how she knew that he had seen the necklace in the store.

"For your information, Potter, Mister Malfoy was not in Hogsmede today, he had detention with me earlier," Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"And after that, I saw him," Kendra said, lying through her teeth to protect Draco- Harry knowing wouldn't solve any problems for Draco and right now, Kendra could care less that she was choosing her cousin's rival over him. "He wasn't in Hogsmede at all."

"I would suggest you put this accusation to bed and return to Gryffindor tower immediately," McGonagall sighed. "And please, try not to run into any trouble on the way there."

The trio turned and left, Hermione giving Kendra a look that clearly spelled that they needed to talk. Kendra nodded subtly- she did not want to fight with Hermione anymore, not with what she knew would have to happen to her in the future.

"Professor Snape, may I have a word with you?" Kendra asked, reluctant to ask, but more than aware that it was what she needed to do. He nodded tersely, whatever shock he had contained to a twitch in his upper lip. McGonagall stood.

"I am going to go and check on Miss Bell," she announced, telling the other two that they didn't need to leave for their conversation. She swiftly left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"I assume this is about Mister Malfoy," Snape began. Kendra nodded.

"I know he is... hesitant to listen to you but he'll probably push me away entirely if I ask him to go about this differently," Kendra sighed. "And he needs my help, they both do, not that they'll admit it."

"I am already planning on having a word with him," Snape replied. "He should not be so careless with human life."

"I'll do what I can as well," Kendra replied. "I don't know how much Professor Dumbeldore has shared with you about my fate, but everything will be easier if he continues to like me."

"He's told me enough," Snape said shortly. "I will do what I can to help you as well."

"Thank you," Kendra said civilly. "See you in class, Professor." She turned on her heel and strode out the door, hoping to catch Hermione before she made it into the Gryffindor common room to try and explain what she could.

She hated not being able to tell things to Hermione. She was the smartest person Kendra knew, always one step ahead of everyone else, and of there could have been anyone to tell, it would have been her. But this, just like how she had taken many of her past challenges, she would have to soldier alone. If she was going to infiltrate the Death Eaters, no one could know what her true motives were. Not even Hermione Granger.

a/n: rare instance of harry going " :o malfoy did it" and actually being right. anyways slughorn's party is coming up :p guess who kiki is gonna go with

also would u guys be interested in a Pansy fic? Cause I have an idea for one that's kinda like iconic 👀 and I kind of already wrote the first chapter and made the cover 👀👀 lmk cause I'm thinking abt publishing her

ok meme (by me 😻)

ok meme (by me 😻)

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