••dursley•• || valentine's day

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Kendra was more than excited for Valentine's Day. While she hadn't planned anything extravagant or out of the box for Hermione, she was still over the moon for what she had planned.

She woke up extremely early that morning, if not out of anxiety then out of pure excitement. Her plans were all in place, and she had managed to keep her mouth shut long enough to Hermione for the Gryffindor's curiosity to pique.

"Good morning, Lisa, my darling friend," Kendra said cheerfully when she noticed that Lisa was awake. Lisa stared at her incredulously.

"Has someone drugged you?" Lisa asked curiously. Kendra laughed and continued to brush out her hair in front of the mirror they had put up in their room.

"It's Valentine's Day," Kendra said simply.

"Merlin, is this what I was like when I was in a relationship?" Lisa asked, staring at Kendra. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"You were worse," she said simply, clipping some of her hair back before moving on to her makeup.

"I'm guessing you're going to go see Granger?" Lisa asked, already knowing the answer. Kendra nodded enthusiastically. "Well, have the time of your life. I'm going to go wake Mabel up and make her spend time with me since the rest of you are all going to go find some dark corner and be in love and have sex until your hearts give out."

"Like that's not what you and Travis did," Kendra rolled her eyes, finishing her eyeliner and moving onto her lip gloss.

"I never said I wasn't speaking from experience," Lisa said.

"See you later, Lisa," Kendra said, standing. "Hope you end up in a dark corner with someone hot later."

"Why thank you," Lisa said, and Kendra rolled her eyes one last time before she left the dorm and made her way towards the room of requirement, where Hermione was probably already waiting for her.

Hermione was in fact, waiting for Kendra outside the room of requirement. As Hermione came into her line of sight, she couldn't help the grin that stretched across her face that only grew as she approached and fully blossomed when she wrapped her arms around the Gryffindor girl. "Happy Valentines Day," Kendra mumbled into Hermione's ear, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. "I have a surprise for you."

"I figured," Hermione replied, returning the smile as well as she took Kendra's hand. Together (though Kendra did all of the thinking), they opened the room of requirement, which had taken the form of the meadow that Kendra so often dreamed of. "You've outdone yourself, I think," Hermione said, staring at it for a moment, simply taking in the scene.

Kendra blushed at Hermione's assessment before holding up the picnic basket in her other hand. "I made us a picnic."

Excitement now gleaming in both of their eyes, they unpacked the basket, laying themselves out on the blanket as well, staring at the sky in wonder- it still seemed to go on forever, though they both knew there was a ceiling somewhere amongst the baby blue and fluffy cotton clouds. But to Kendra, the sky would never be as fascinating as Hermione herself, who her gaze drifted towards helplessly.

Today, Hermione's brown curls looked almost coppery in the light as they shined. Her lashes fluttered protectively, her eyes beneath them endlessly full of bliss as they reflected the light and the clouds above them. Kendra could have counted every pore on Hermione's skin, microscopic chips in the marble blending in with the light freckles that Kendra knew could only be seen when she was close enough to watch her lightest breaths fan Hermione's hair. Her cheeks were shining with excitement, her lips tinted red from her constant gnawing at them. Her chest rose and fell with every breath, her ribcage shivering when she drew her breath in too deeply.

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