••dursley•• || the triwizard tournament

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"Kendra, get your arse out of bed before I personally accio your bum over here," Lisa said from her position in front of the mirror, attempting to use her wand to curl her hair before giving up and just throwing her hair into a ponytail like she always did. Kendra, still laying in bed, feeling no better than she had the day before, just let out a groan muffled by the pillow.

"No!" Kendra shrieked suddenly as Euphenia wiggled underneath the covers and begin to lick the undersides of her feet while Lisa cackled in the bathroom not doing anything in an attempt to stop her cat.

"Here's your uniform, cabbage head," Lisa said, throwing the lump of clothes at Kendra, who caught it with surprising ease, considering she had never played a sport in her life other than 'duck, Dudley's coming'.

"When does class start?" Kendra asked, leaning back into her pillows.

"Eight, but you better be ready in ten minutes or so help me God-" Lisa took a deep breath and cut herself off.

"I don't care about breakfast, Lisa," Kendra cried, burrowing deeper into the covers.

"Come on, you can ogle at Granger," Lisa rolled her eyes and left the bathroom to start re-organizing her bag for the day. "Bathroom's open now, hope you still have time to brush those teeth before you see Granger."

With almost embarrassing swiftness, Kendra squirmed away from Euphenia and out of the bed within seconds, Lisa's cackling only growing at Kendra's actions. Within ten minutes, Kendra was ready to follow a nearly howling Lisa down to breakfast. They found an incredibly sleepy Damon outside of the entrance hall, staring at the doors without moving.

"Damon?" Lisa asked. "Mate, you alright?"

"Hmm?" Damon replied, turning back to face them, before smiling tiredly. "Oh yeah, 'course. Just a bit tired- Matt wanted me to help him name all of the new plants in the dorm, we stayed up later than we should have."

"Hufflepuffs," Lisa sighed, putting her hand on Damon's shoulder and steering him into the Great Hall. "C'mon, sit down, have a nice cup of tea. Shake your system, combat all that melatonin."

Kendra froze in the middle of the hall, Lisa to preoccupied with Damon to notice the loss of her friend. She had just seen Hermione Granger, bounding over to her, Her hair bouncing as she ran though she was only coming from the Gryffindor table and wasn't running at all, her face set in the same determined look that could have made Kendra faint right there (or maybe she was just locking her knees?).

"Kendra!" Hermione said, looking at the very pale looking girl. "I just wanted to tell you, I thought about it all last night and I'll tutor you if you still need it, unless you'd rather not, I know some people who would probably be happy to help-" Hermione rambled on, lying very plainly through her teeth. There weren't many people that Hermione knew, and neither Ron or Harry were willing enough or focused enough to tutor anyone.

But Hermione didn't have to think about it any more than she already had, for Kendra swayed slightly and collapsed, Hermione reaching her arms out just in time to catch her.

When Kendra woke up, Hermione as well as several teachers were crowding around her. McGonagall made sure to keep the rest of the students away while Madam Pomfrey examined her. Kendra had never seen the woman look more hawk-like in her life, and she was one of the biggest reasons the woman had so many grey hairs.

"Sorry," Kendra said, her voice a bit slurred. She blinked three times, trying to steady her vision. She coughed and sat up with Madam Pomfrey's help. "M'okay."

"Did I say something?" Hermione asked, quite fearful that it was her fault that Kendra had collapsed. She was standing now with the help of the matron.

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