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"She's going to be alright, won't she?" 

Kendra felt sick and her entire body ached as she came out of sleep, groggy. Voices fades in and out all around her until finally, she tried to move and let out an audible groan.

"Kendra?" The voice was worried now, and Kendra became aware of a hand holding her own. She blinked once, twice, and on the third, her vision settled and she saw Hermione leaning over her. She couldn't help but smile, like he had just seen the sun for the first time after weeks and weeks of rain.

"Hermione," she murmured, still half asleep. She was pleased to hear that her voice, though still bogged down with sleep, sounded much better than it had before. She moved to sit up and another hand on her shoulder kept her down.

"Best if you lay down for a few more minutes until this potion is ready, dear," Mrs. Weasley's cheerful voice came from over her shoulder. She frowned and blinked one more time, re-orienting. 

"Where am I?" she asked, awake now. 

"The Burrow," Hermione explained nervously. "Remus brought you here."

"I remember," Kendra said, her eyes darting about quickly, taking in the bright colors of the room. "What about the others? Were they alright?"

"Tonks sprained her ankle but it was nothing major," Hermione said. She looked over Kendra once more, clearly battling with herself over something. "How are you feeling?" She hesitated with her free hand, and then reached out to brush some hair out of Kendra's face. Kendra had to fight to not jump at the touch, and frustration welled deep inside of her. 

"Better now," Kendra allowed. "Where's Harry? He's not still with my parents, is he?"

Hermione shook her head. "He arrived about a week ago, when the Order found a lead on where you were. Dumbledore... well, Dumbledore didn't want him finding out from another source." It was clear that she had bit her tongue about something, but Kendra wasn't interested in pushing it at the moment. "He's just gone in the shower."

"Here you are, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, moving over and helping Kendra sit up so she could drink a lavender colored potion. Hermione watched her anxiously as she drank it. As she did, her muscles all relaxed instantly and most of the pain she felt went away. She sighed and rested her head back on the pillow. 

"That stuff is magical," she remarked, and privately wished that she could drink some every day, though that thought was immediately squashed by Mrs. Weasley's next words.

"It's very addictive, dear, and expensive to make. You're lucky Dumbledore had some already brewing that he offered to donate.

I wouldn't be in this position if Dumbledore had been more responsible, Kendra thought bitterly, though she did not voice her opinion. A stark silence followed Mrs. Weasley's comment. Hermione jerked up after a moment, though her hand reluctantly left Kendra's light grasp.

"I think I've heard the shower go off," Hermione said, stuttering over her words. "I'll go tell Harry you're up."

Kendra watched her leave and felt her heart sink. Mrs. Weasley watched her and sat at the edge of the bed. "They've both been terribly worried, dear. Harry insisted that you were kept up here with him, just in case. He'll be so glad to see you're awake," Mrs. Weasley said with a smile, her eyes darting to the other bed in the room that Kendra had only now come to realize had once been Fred and George's. "I need to go and finish breakfast, Harry and Hermione will be back in just a moment; holler if you need anything, dear." She patted Kendra's cheek cheerfully and set off through the door humming slightly to herself. 

The silence bore down upon Kendra and the memories of what had happened in the Department of Mysteries occupied her thoughts. They were foggy, as though she were watching them back through a crystal ball. All of the questions she had hounded Theodore and the still silent Morgana with came back to her sharply. What was the prophecy? Had anyone been hurt? Had they even saved Sirius?

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