stay close to the people that feel like sunlight.

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Dear Fred,

~{ songs recommended for this chapter}~Beige, Yoke LoreAre you bored yet, Wallows Disco, Surf Curse 505, Arctic Monkeys Kiwi, Harry Styles

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~{ songs recommended for this chapter}~
Beige, Yoke Lore
Are you bored yet, Wallows
Disco, Surf Curse
505, Arctic Monkeys
Kiwi, Harry Styles


It's been a few days since we've arrived at the manor. The days have consisted of getting high, drunk, tripping off something, constant sex, listening to Maddie and Draco fighting non stop, Brinlee and Layton all over each other, and Blaise just being Blaise. Overall the past week has been fantastic.

Brinlee and I can tolerate each other right now. She's not a total home wrecker now that Layton's been fucking her. The lack of silencing charms from everyone in the group is becoming a serious problem. Narcissa and my mother are mortified every morning. They are always asking who it was last night. Quite honestly it's all of us except Blaise.

Fred and I awoke at the same time. He turned over and stroked some hair away from my face. We were both still naked from a very heated and passionate night together.

"Good morning headass." He whispered. He placed a kiss on my nose and shoulder. "Mmm morning loser" I whispered back while scratching his back lightly.

"What's the plan for today?" Fred asked in between kisses. I shrugged my shoulders before throwing my legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed Fred's t-shirt that reached my mid thigh. I slowing got up, ignoring the slight pain in my lower half.

As soon as I sat up, I felt a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I braced myself on my nightstand and grabbed my stomach. This seemed to alert Fred, he scooted his body over and began to rub my back soothingly.

"Was I too rough last night?" He asked with a concerned voice. I shook my head and ran into the bathroom. I felt the contents in my stomach rise to my mouth. I quickly threw up into the toilet, Fred quickly ran into the bathroom and held my hair for me. Once I finished, I leaned back against and wiped my mouth. Fred sat down next to me with concerned eyes.

"Cal..." he started. "Are you sure I wasn't too rough?" He asked. I shook my head and began to explain I was probably just hungover.

"But we didn't even drink last night." Fred stated while brushing through my hair. "Fred just leave it, I'm fine." I said in an annoyed huff. I walked out of the bathroom and began to make the bed. Fred followed and continued to pry at me and ask me if I was still feeling sick.

I just needed food. Nothing was wrong.

After Fred and I finished getting ready we met everyone downstairs for breakfast. As I was eating I started feeling a lot better. Draco and Maddie seemed to have stopped arguing. Draco, of course had love bites all down his neck.

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