the broken two.

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I hate you for what you did to her.

Warning: super awkward seggs...

Warning: super awkward seggs

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I ran so fast I couldn't feel my legs. A sudden burst of energy and passion gushed through my veins. It felt like ages since I've seen him. Ages. I can't wait to touch him, hug him, kiss him. As I ran I ignored the sharp pains emitting from my ribs. I slowed my pace when I stepped outside. I slowly walked over to the lake and saw the outline of his body. Flashbacks from the party a couple months ago flashed threw my mind. When I cried out for him that night he was there. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me. I needed that now.

I stepped closer to him and noticed his body being crouched over. His head in his hands. His back falling and rising rather quickly. I stepped closer while pulling the ring on my finger off and on. My hair was still damp making my entire body go cold.

"F-Freddie?" I spoke softly. He didn't turn around. He just kept his gaze straight forward.

Fred's POV:

I knew she would be coming to see me. I knew Malfoy would tell her I was back. I should've just stayed at home for the rest of this month. I can't bear to look her in the eyes and tell her we can't be together. I love this girl so fucking much. I want to protect her. I promised her that. I owe her that.

"F-Freddie?" She spoke softly like she was on the verge of tears just at the mere sight of my back.


I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do Caleum Harrison.

I promise it's only temporary.

End of Fred's POV

He didn't answer. I stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. The second my skin touched his I felt at peace. Like everything I've been through was for a reason. He is my reason.

"Fred please talk to me" I spoke again. This time he turned around and looked in my eyes.

He's been crying. Tear stains down his cheeks, his eyes were red and blood shot. He looked broken...

"What Caleum?" He muttered while shrugging my hand off his shoulder. I furrowed my brows at his response.

"I- what's wrong?" I asked while attempting to bring my hand to cup his face, which he dodged.

"Non of you're fucking concern." He muttered while standing up and starting to walk away. I felt my heart twitch at his rude response.

"What so you can just leave for 8 fucking days and not tell me where you are? Fred I'm your girlfriend! Please communicate with me! What is going on?" I yelled. I was starting to become annoyed. I needed answers. He stopped in his tracks and spun on the ball of his foot towards me.

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