touch me.

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My tenderness, my happiness, what words can I write for you? I don't know how to tell you how I love, how I desire you Fred.
WARNING: get a bucket and a mop

 ******WARNING: get a bucket and a mop

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After my encounter with Fred I was eager to get back to my dorm. I needed to find Draco first and ask him to make sure they stay in their room tonight.

I made my way to the common room and muttered the password 'pureblood'

Maddie, Draco, Layton, and Blaise were all seated on the sofa playing a card came.

"Hey babe" Maddie said, when she saw me walk in.

"Hi" I said while giving her a kiss on the head from over the couch.

"A little girl on girl action huh?" Blaise said, while trying not to laugh.

"Yeah cmon give us a show" Draco added

"Ugh you guys are gross" Maddie scoffed

"Draco I need to speak to you"

"About what?"

"I need a favor"

I took his hand and brought him to the other side of the room so no one would hear.

"I need you to make sure the boys stay in their own room tonight."

"What for?"

"I have to meet someone after curfew..." I said while trying not to make eye contact with him.


"None of your bloody business"

"Tell me who or not only will I make sure we stay in your dorm, I'll fuck Maddie in front of everyone" Draco said while planting a big ass smirk on his face.

"First of all, gross, second you can't tell anyone... got it?"

He stuck out his pinky for me to link with mine. We have been doing pinky promises since we were 6.

I looked around the room to make sure no one could hear. I'd be disowned by the entire Slytherin house if the wrong person found out about me sneaking off to meet up with a Weasley.

"Fred Weasley"

Dracos mouth dropped wide open.

"Are you serious?"

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