ruin me.

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you hurt me and I can't forgive you.

warning: sexual content------------------

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warning: sexual content

It's been three days. I haven't seen Fred in 3 days. Does he not know I'm here? Does he not care? I've been slowly getting better. Draco asked hermonie to preform a healing spell on me. It helped but the bruising and cuts are still very much visible. I couldn't walk for the first 2 days. The pain on my side was too much. Now I'm able to walk and eat. Draco has basically been forcing me to stay in my dorm. Apparently I'm too emotionally fragile right now. It's all bullshit. I need to see Fred.

Once Draco left my dorm for the night I got a shower and made myself look presentable before making my way to Fred's dorm. I'm not going to let him ignore me like that. I snuck past the common room and wandered the corridors. Once I reached Fred's dorm I knocked. No answer. I knocked again before I heard some movement and the door swung open. Fred was standing there, he was wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt. His hair was sticking up and all different directions. His eyes looked... sad.

"Cal?" He asked, his voice was thick with sleep.

"Can I come in?" I asked quietly while eying him up and down with a drunken gaze. He hesitated for a moment. He looked like he was thinking something through. Or fighting with his mind. He made a 'come in' motion. He sat down on his bed and waited for me to walk.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked timidly. He looked up at me and it looked like he was about to... cry?

"I haven't." He said sternly while eying my cuts and bruises on my face.

"I haven't seen you in 3 days, Fred. Have you not wondered why I haven't been in classes?" I asked. My tone was starting to get more stern.

"Figured you were busy, didn't think you needed me."

"Are you fucking shitting me Fred?" I yelled, while throwing my hands in the air and stepping towards him.

"What?! I didn't think you wanted to see me!" He yelled back.

"Fuck you Fred! I need you!"

He stood up and took a step towards me. He was towering over me and looked at me with lust filled eyes.

Fred's POV:

"Fuck you Fred! I need you!" She yelled. She was hurting. I was hurting for her.

I need you too Cal.

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