sun and moon.

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we are like the sun and the moon. Soon to bring the stars.

(song for this chapter: Young And Beautiful, Lana Del Ray)

(song for this chapter: Young And Beautiful, Lana Del Ray)

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~{sexual content warning}~

"Good morning my love" I heard Fred's voice whisper in my ear. I felt around and realized we were in a bed. I opened my eyes and saw my bedroom. We somehow made it back last night, though I don't remember.

"Good morning darling" I said quietly while kissing his lips. He slowly got up from bed and went into the bathroom. I followed him, as soon as I stood up I felt sick once again. I ran into the bathroom.

"Um Cal!" Fred yelled when I pushed him out of the way when he was attempting to take a leak. I quickly threw up, Fred held my hair in a makeshift ponytail.

"Are you pregnant?" Fred asked suddenly when I finally calmed down. I felt my eyes go wide and my stomach drop. I turned around and met his worry filled eyes.

"What- don't you use the contraceptive spell?" Fred's eyes softened and he let out a breathy chuckle. He moved some hair away from my face and kissed my lips, which surprised me considering I just puked.

"Every time" He said, he got up and walked away. A wave of relief crossed over me.

Although something was telling me he wasn't telling the truth.

I just let it go with a pit in my stomach.


The entire day was spent enjoying the last few days at the manor. We would have to be going back to Hogwarts only because we've been gone for so long I'm sure Dumbledore would be pissed off of his ass.

Fred seemed awfully nervous all day. He seemed to be jumpy and extra affectionate. quite a weird combination.

Draco, Blaise, Fred, and Layton spent the day helping Narcissa and my mother plant things in their garden. The girls all read for most of the day. All of us seemed to he pretty hungover, including myself.

Nightfall was rolling around and the boys finished up their work as Narcissa finished dinner. They all came in covered in dirt and sweat.

Fred was wearing a white t shirt with plain jeans. His hair was wet from sweat. His entire body was flushed and had dirt sticking to every inch of his hands. His shirt was clinging to his abs, making them more visible. I felt my core contract at the mere sight of him.

The power Fred Weasley holds.

"I'm going for a shower before dinner." Fred announced while slicking back his now short hair. I was beginning to get antsy. Fred and I have a very healthy sex life, but we haven't done anything in a whole day. Our daily routine consists of sex every morning, hangout with everyone, have sex again. So going an entire day without touching him has proven to be more difficult than I thought it would.

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