hes gone.

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Fred's pov:

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Fred's pov:

Remember we left off when Fred and Layton were locked in a room together!!

Tw// mentions of death and sexual assault
National sexual assault hotline: 1-800-656-4673
There is always someone to listen. I love you.

"Fred wake up..."

I was shaken awake, opening my eyes only to see big brown ones staring back at me. Laytons face came into focus. He had a look of worry etched across his eyebrows.

"What?" I said in groggy voice.

"Someone's outside..." he whispered. I felt my eyelids grow heavy again. "Fred!" Layton yelled. I shot up, annoyed he woke me up after I finally fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs over the bed. I looked over my shoulder to see Layton siting on his knees biting his nails.

"Can you go look?" Layton said softly. I smiled slightly when I heard the fear in his voice.

"Come with me." I mumbled to him. He hesitated for a moment before slowly standing up and running a hand through his hair.


"It's probably just an animal." I said in a delicate voice. He shook his head no.

"I heard voices."

I could tell he was anxious, I've noticed that about Layton. He gets paranoid easily, it's like his brain convinces him someone is always out to het him.

Layton plastered himself at my side. Ultimately putting me between whatever is outside. As I opened my door and stepped out into the dark living room.

I looked down onto the couch and saw Caleum sleeping softly. Her small body tangled in between a knitted blanket. She looked so peaceful.

"She's so pretty..." Layton muttered to more himself than to me.

"She is, she's also mine." I warned. Layton scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

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