birthday boy.

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~{very explicit sexual content}~


It's the moment we've all been waiting for...



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"Good morning darling..." Fred's voice filled my ears. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and realized we were in the living room. That's when I remembered that 10 minutes turned into 20 and 20 turned into an hour. I guess we just crashed after.

Fred and I both got up made our way into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Molly had just come down stairs and placed a kiss on my head and Fred's. I was still mortified over what she saw last night.

"Alright after you two eat you have to go back to hogwarts, no arguments." Molly explained. Fred and I both shook our heads yes and finished up our breakfast. Fred then lead me upstairs to get dressed.

As soon as the door shut he shoved me against it and attacked my neck with kisses.

"Fred what- what are you doing?" I giggled. He just groaned and pushed his hard on against my thigh.

"I don't know- can we please do something?" Fred pleaded.

"Fred we have to go back..." I breathed out. He groaned and kissed my lips aggressively. Before the kiss got more heated I pulled away and pushed him off of me with a laugh.

"Why are you always horny?" I asked.

"I don't know ask my dick?"

I just laughed at him and continued gathering the things I'd be bringing. Fred complained the entire time we were getting ready, pretty much begging me to give him head or something.

Once we made it down stairs we said our goodbyes to Molly. She reminded us to use protection, stay away from drugs, eat healthy, ect... the usual.

Fred and I apparated back to Hogwarts. We landed with a loud thump inside my dorm. Before we even had a chance to let our eyes adjust we were showered in hugs.

"Where the fuck were you guys?!" Blaise yelled. He gave Fred a huge hug making me laugh. It suddenly hit me what I'd have to tell them what happened.

Brinlee then came up to me individually and gave me the biggest most loving hug I've ever received. She nuzzled her head in my shoulder and stroked my hair. It boggles my mind how we went from hating each other to being sisters.

"God I missed you..." she whispered.

"I missed you too"

As soon as she pulled away Maddie gave me and Fred a hug as well. That's when I noticed Layton on the other side of the room. He made eye contact with me and gave me a side smile. Once everyone pulled away they all looked at him, like they were waiting for him to hug us as well.

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