week 3.

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I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, and your little happy dance you did when I woke up every morning, the way you held me at night.


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It's been 3 weeks since that night at the lake, Fred and I have been meeting up every night since then. Draco has been covering for me as much as he can. He's the only one that knows about my secret meet ups.

Fred and I have learned so much about each other. We sit and talk for hours, until the sun starts to rise. The little moments I share with him are pure. The way his eyes light up when he talks about a joke shop he wants to start once him and George graduate. I've learned to love his little giggle whenever I say something stupid. Or the discreet way he puts his hand on my thigh during class.

Fred's pov:

It's been three weeks since I've found myself completely and utterly consumed by Caleum Harrison.

Her laugh.

Her walk.

Her bright green eyes.

The way her hair curls after it gets wet.

The way her eyes light up when she talks about Draco and her best friends.

Even when she's completely silent I find myself getting lost in her beauty. She's completely beautiful.

The way her lips feel on mine brings me a feeling I didn't know was humanly possible. It's like every planet stopped turning just for us to live in the very moment of our bodies being so close.

I scold myself everyday for even considering not kissing her that day in the classroom.

End of Freds pov

Fred and I haven't done anything but the occasional make out session since that night that feels like ages ago. I don't mind one bit. We've been so consumed in getting to know every detail about each other that it doesn't even matter.

I've come to understand Fred. I see right through him. He spends his entire life doing everything he can to make others happy and to feel joy. He wants to make sure everyone has a good laugh before he even considers letting himself get lost in the euphoria that he provides for everyone else. It saddens me. It truly does.

Right now I'm sitting in the library with Draco reading my favorite book 'Pride And Prejudice'

Draco's head is in my lap while he twirled his wand in between his fingers.

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