one room.

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Just a quick little clarification. I'm not fetishizing bisexuality:) this chapter is all about discovering yourself😋

Tw//mentions of self harm and suicide, homophobic slurs

Tw//The image below contains images of self harm scars

Suicide hotline: 800-273-8255

    Suicide hotline: 800-273-8255

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In most cases sex doesn't fix everything. In most cases it makes shit worse and creates an underlying tension between the participants. But layton and I have never been so close. Fred and I have never been happier.

Draco and I celebrated our birthdays. It wasn't the same without our moms. But everyone made it special. It's weird to think I'm 17 now and have been through hell and back.

"Cal?" Fred's groan of annoyance pulled me out of my lingering thoughts.

"Hm?" I muttered with entertainment in my tone.

"You can't just zone out when I'm talking to you"

"Sorry" I laughed and kissed him on the mouth. Fred has been hot and bothered lately. He can't seem to keep his hands off of me. I've never seen him like this before.

"I'm sorry... what were you saying?" I asked. Fred began to play with the duvet cover and bounced his leg up and down.

What is going on in that pretty head of yours Fred Weasley?

"I uh- I love you lots and all." Fred babbled, his eyes remained low and nothing seemed to be breaking his focus on the fucking bed sheet.

"Fred spit it out."

He hesitated and began to pick at the skin on his fingers.

"Okay, well.. Remember when you and Layton um- you know?" He stuttered, finally meeting my eyes.

"How could I forget, it was only 2 weeks ago..." I huffed. I grabbed his fingers in an attempt to get him to stop messing with the cover. "Stop fidgeting. Now what is it?" I said in an annoyed huff.

"I wasn't watching you..." Fred whispered.

I know you weren't.

I internally laughed.

"Go on..." I pleaded, acting confused. "Well my intentions were to just look at you, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Off of what he was doing to you... and the way his face twisted when he came. I- " But he stopped himself mid sentence. I was obviously not upset and I wasn't jealous.

"Are- are you mad?" He stuttered as he looked down at the floor.

"No" I shook my head. "You make me discover shit about myself I never thought would bubble to the surface." Fred said and let out a breathy laugh.

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