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5 years later

Cals pov:


"No running! Uncle Lay just mopped!" I yelled after the little shits I call my son and husband. Fred chased Atlas around the house playing tag (one of their favorite things to do).

Atlas's mop of blonde hair appeared around my legs as he gripped onto me so tight I stumbled.

Fred grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. Atlas laughed/screamed when Fred grabbed him.

Fred dropped the boy on his feet and let him run to Draco.

I shook my head at him in a disappointed mom way.

"You know, one day he's going to face plant and it's going to be your fault." He wrapped me in a hug and kissed me.

"Yeah, yeah... Where's peach?" He asked.


Fred and I welcomed our very much unplanned daughter 8 months ago. As much of a surprise as she was, she's the best addition to our little family.

Fred nicknamed her peach the moment he saw her.


Because she has the most stunning peach colored hair. A perfect reminder of someone we made.

Her name is Harper Brinlee Weasley.

She's an absolute angel, the complete opposite of her brother, who's always getting into some sort of trouble.

Father like son.

"She's taking a nap with Adley and Paris, she fell asleep when Paris was holding her." Fred shook his head in an understanding way.

I looked over Fred's shoulder to see Atlas attempting to climb up the railing of the stairs.

"Your son..." I started. Fred looked behind me and immediately went into dad mode and grabbed Atlas from the potential hospital visit.

One of many this month.

Adley and Paris became quite fond of each other over the years. They are quite literally inseparable.

Maddie and Draco are engaged.

Blaise and George... are... definitely something.

Layton met a girl, and by girl I mean Luna Lovegood.

The mansion is our home. It's everyone's home.

My mother and Narcissa have their own flat in town. They are the epitome of best friends.

"Hey Cal?" Fred muttered from behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed kisses down my neck.

"Yes Freddie?" I sighed and stopped my work on the plants I was watering.

"Atlas just went down for a nap, and peach is still out... how about we take advantage of no little fuckers running around?" He said against my neck and pawed at my ass.

I smiled and leaned into him, savoring the feeling of his body against mine.

Fred and I are still very much intimate, hence why we are considered "baby making machines" to Molly.

But, with two kids and a 5 year old who's scared of the noises the tree makes outside at night and refuses to sleep without his dad, it's a bit difficult. But, we manage.

Once a week Draco and Maddie take the kids out for the day, to give us a break.

Fred and I fuck like rabbits whenever we get the chance.

Weather that's in the shower, the living room, the closet, the pool, the bathroom. You name it, any chance we get we basically jump each other's bones.

Fred spun me around in his grip, pushing my back against the wooden table. He kissed me hard and pulled me into the wine cellar.

One of the only private rooms available at the moment.

"This is a new one" Fred laughed and pushed the door closed.



After 3 years, purity has come to an end.

Thank you for your patience and time.

I love you.

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