oh shit.

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" she's been giving me head before she knew you existed "

smut warning

violence/ domestic abuse


"Fred-" I mumbled while trying to push his body off of mine. He continued the small assault across my neck.

"Fred I said stop!" I yelled and roughly pushed him off the bed. He immediately shot up and grabbed a fistful of my hair and craned my neck to look up at him. I winced in pain when the burning sensation emitted from the back of my head.

"Don't ever pull shit like that again." Fred spat in my face. My eyes widened and the feeling of fear bubbled in my stomach. His eyes went cold, like he was looking at something he wanted to rip to shreds.

"Love, you're hurting me." I tried to mellow out, but only resulted in Fred holding my hair tighter.

"What? I thought you liked it slut." Fred sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

I began to panic, what is happening? Fred has never settled this amount of fear in my gut before. I searched the room for anything I could use to threaten him with. I found a pair of sowing scissors on the nightstand.

In one swift motion I was holding the scissors against his forearm.

"Let me go before I fucking kill you." I narrowed my eyes at him and put on the bravest face I could.

"Jesus Christ" Fred swore and dropped my hair and backed away with his arms up in a 'I surrender position'. I rubbed the back of my head with my eyes closed. Fred stood in front of me like a puppy that ate it's owners dinner.

Anger bubbled within me. I stood up and walked over to where Fred was standing. I reached around and grabbed a fistful of his hair, like how he did mine.

"Don't EVER pull shit like that again." I hissed. When I let go he dropped his hands from around his face.

"Look, you've- you've really been pissing me off lately and I don't know I just got mad. I'm sorry... Are you okay?" Fred asked with concerned eyes.

"Pissing you off?" I questioned. "You sleep talk." Fred mumbled.

That's when it hit me. I've been having dreams about when I found him. When I found him on the brink of death. After Layton told me he still loves me all those weeks ago it's like my brain was been rewired to take care of him. To protect him. To savor every moment with him, because I'll never know when he's done fighting.

"You say his name..." Fred trailed off. I felt my chest tighten and the heat rise to my neck.

"It's a nightmare." I snapped. Fred furrowed his brows and gave me a 'bullshit' look. I rolled my eyes at him before speaking loudly, "I watched Layton crumble to pieces, and I put him back together. I intend to keep it that way."

And with that I left the room to join the rest of the group for breakfast.


Fred didn't sit next to me. He sat next to Adley and George. I even caught him purposefully bumping his leg against Aldeys. He barley glanced at me at all. I could play this game.

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