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Growing up I never had someone to teach me right from wrong. My love, I want our children to grow up better than that...


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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Everyone was still asleep on my bed. Somehow Blaise ended up on the floor. Draco was still fast asleep in my arms.

He looked sick, like something wasn't right. His eyes seemed to be sunken in.

He looked fine yesterday?

I slowly shook him awake trying my best not to move too much under him.

"D, get up... you don't look good"

"Love you too Cal" He said back barley above a whisper

I attempted to brush some hair out of his face. He sat up and studied my features.

"You look like hell"

"Me?!? You look awful"

We both jumped up and looked in the bathroom mirror. We both looked like shit. I've never looked so pale in my life. My rose colored lips were almost white, my eyes were extremely blood shot. Draco and I just stared at each other through the mirror, not knowing what to say. Almost at the exact same time, we both got nose bleeds.

"I'm never doing coke again" I muttered while tilting my head back to stop the bleeding.

"Same" Draco muttered.

Everyone slowly got up and began getting ready. Draco and Maddie got a shower while the rest of us attempted to bring some life back into ourselves.

We made our way down to the great hall and sat at our usual spot. We began eating until Draco quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. Probably to throw up. Maddie followed behind him.

Classes throughout the day were awful. I did everything I could to stay awake, but I couldn't help but drift off in a couple classes.

Potions was my last class of the day.

I needed to think of an excuse to tell Fred as to why I blew him off. The problem is, I don't have one.

I sat down in my seat expecting Fred to already be there. He wasn't.

10 minutes still not there.

20 minutes.

30 minutes.

40 minutes.

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