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~{ this chapter contains details of blood, and descriptions of a miscarriage }~

Love, Maddie *****~{ this chapter contains details of blood, and descriptions of a miscarriage }~

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A few things, in this chapter Fred is taking care of Caleum. The aftermath of a miscarriage is extremely painful and messy. I've read so many fanfics where someone will miss carry and they would be totally fine the next day. That's not how it works. Thats incredibly unrealistic in most cases. My goal is to make this fanfic as real as possible, so I'm not gonna make it easy on Cal (unfortunately it's not easy on anyone). It takes about 3 weeks to fully recover and for the bleeding and contractions to fully stop. Let alone having to pass the fetus. It's a really horrible thing to go through alone. Fred is basically just cleaning her up and isn't 'disgusted' over the state she's in. Some people might find it gross or something and if you do please leave. He's just doing what every man should do if his wife or girlfriend is going through this.

All of my readers are incredible and mature so I'm not worried about it, just a little psa for some of the new readers. I love you all so much and I know you guys will handle it well. Just a little heads up🤍


Everything is gray.

Nothing could've ever prepared me for what I was hearing and feeling right now. I was struck with grief. My whole heart was aching. Molly said I would pass it soon. I don't know what that means and I don't want to know. Fred and I were just sitting on the couch in complete shock. Not uttering a single word. I couldn't look at him. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was a mess from running his hands threw it so much. His shirt and arms covered in my own blood.

Molly had left the room to run a bath for me. It was just us sitting on the couch. My face stung from how much I was crying. I couldn't cry anymore, neither could Fred. He just stared in front of him. His hand enter laced with mine. I finally got the courage to speak up.

"I'm so sorry Freddie" I whispered without even looking at him. He lowered his head and squeezed his eyes shut. I knew he was trying so hard not to cry. He wanted to be strong for me. I knew that, and I love him for it. We need each other right now more than anything.

"Caleum just please don't talk right now, I can't keep crying in front of you..." he whispered back.

"Freddie you can cry all you want, please let it out, my love."

Fred's POV:

Losing a child is something no one ever prepares you for. Especially after just finding out we were pregnant. I've always wanted a baby. More than anything. I wanted one as soon as possible. If I would've been more careful, if I would've watched her body and noticed any changes this wouldn't be happening. I shouldn't have let her drink, get high, use drugs.

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