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after all of this? you couldn't come back??

after all of this? you couldn't come back??*****

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Fred's POV:

It's too soon. We've only been together for 4 months. I've spent every waking minute with her. My heart beats for her and only her. Never in a million years would I picture myself falling in love so quickly.

Love surprises you. It creeps up on you whenever you are least expecting it.

Caleum Harrison has completely captured my heart. Every time I look at her it's like she's the only person in the room. The way her green eyes dance when she's searching for something. Whenever she captures her bottom lip between her teeth when she's frustrated. Every curve and dip of her body. Her blonde hair falling to her perfectly sculpted waist.

She looks so beautiful right now. How is it possible for someone to look completely and utterly perfect while not trying at all.

The sun was beating down on her face as she slept soundly. Her lips slightly parted and her chest rising and falling in rhythm with my breath. Her fingers interlaced with mine. Her hair fanning the pillow. She's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Her eyelashes fluttered open. Her pupils contracting when the sun hit her beautiful green eyes.

"Good morning my love..." I whispered while brushing some of her hair away.

She gave me a small smile before cuddling up to my side. Her sent taking over my senses.

Caleum Harrison I'm completely falling in love with you.

End of Fred's POV:

Fred Weasley I'm completely falling in love with you.

Will I tell him that?


I cant.

It's too soon.

"Morning Freddie...." I said quietly while placing a kiss on his lips.

"It's Christmas Eve." He mentioned.

"That it is." I said while trying to tame his flaming red hair.

We both got up and stretched our legs.

"I want to show you something tonight okay?" He asked.

"Okay" I said back before pulling a sweater over my head and heading downstairs for breakfast.

We made our way downstairs and greeted everyone at the table.

"Good morning love birds" Ginny said with a smile.

Fred walked over to her and placed a kiss on the top of her head before grabbing some toast and sitting down.

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