layton williams.

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• "I'm going to fight for you, till my very last breath

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• "I'm going to fight for you, till my very last breath. I will regret it if I don't" •


May 1, 1996

Caleum's POV:

"Wake up!" Adleys voice boomed in my ear. Fred shifted next to me. "Wake up mate!" George's gruff voice appeared after Adleys. I groaned and shifted uncomfortably in bed, Fred buried his head in my neck trying to shield himself from the light.

"WAKE UP!" George yelled, he threw his entire body on top of mine then rolled over to Fred's.

"Fine we're up!" I yelled. Adley and George have been completely obsessed with each other for weeks. They haven't left each other's sides. Blaise and Theo have been utterly in love since last month. All the do is snog when we all hang out. Maddie and Draco are just Maddie and Draco, the constant fights and shagging, but then being obsessed with each other.

Brinlee and Layton broke up. He dumped her apparently, she hasn't come around in a while. Layton just stays quiet. Something is definitely off with him.

"Get dressed everyone is hanging out today!" Adley said before they both left the room. Leave Fred and I alone. Fred rolled over and smiled up at me.

"Good morning my love..." he mumbled, he placed a few kisses over the barely visible hickeys he left from a few nights ago. I hummed and got myself up and out of bed.

We both got showers and dressed. We made our way to the lake, where we all hangout. Draco and Maddie were under the tree reading and Blaise and Theo were sitting on a blanket, Theos head laid across Blaises lap, his air tickling his lower stomach. George and Adley were swimming. I spotted Layton, no sign of my sister. He was alone, far away from everyone else. No one bothers him anymore.

When Fred and I made our way over to the group of teenagers we sat down.

"Hello loves" Blaise spoke up in a cheerful tone. The sun directly hitting his tanned skin. I smiled at him and he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "He hasn't talked today..." Theos voice broke the small conversation.

"He just sit over there, writing in the fucking journal..." He said again, turning his head to look at Layton. I furrowed my brows and looked over at him. He was slouched against a rock, a cigarette in between his fingers, his face consorted in concentration. The sun hit his face making his face glow a yellow hue, his pupils contracting to the light... a soft subtle smile playing on his plump rose colored lips.

"Cal go talk to him..." Fred nudged, he elbowed me in between the boobs to get my attention.

"I don't know Fred..." I responded, still looking at his face. Fred nudged me again, making my head turn his way. He gave me go on look.

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