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don't leave her.


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I haven't seen him in 8 days. Not even in class. Some people are saying he transferred. I'm absolutely heart broken. I thought he loved me? I haven't been able to eat, sleep, talk. Draco wants to kill him. The issue is... no one can find him. No one. I've checked his dorm. George and Ginny refuse to tell me where he is saying he needs a 'mental break, he's hurting.' Like I'm not?? Why won't he talk to me? Why am I not good enough for him to talk to me about what's going on??

"Cal you need to eat." Draco whispered while trying to spoon feed me food. Not only was I heartbroken... I was damaged. I keep having nightmares about my father. I make Draco sleep with me at night. Draco was right when he said that one of us would come back with either severe injuries or emotional damage. I got both. I needed Fred. That's all I wanted.

"Cal fucking eat!" Draco yelled while shoving a spoonful of soup in my mouth. He was bringing me meals to me everyday. Once the food hit my tongue I spit it out immediately, the feeling of food was making me sick.

"What the fuck?!" Draco yelled while standing up and wiping of his briefs. I just stared at the wall in front of me. I haven't even showered in three days.

"Sorry..." I muttered while laying back down away from him.

"No fuck off Cal I'm just trying to fucking help you but you won't help yourself!" He yelled while hitting the wall with his fist making me jump.

"I'm just tired." I said back quietly.

"Get up." He said sternly. I rolled over and looked at him and scoffed.

"Cal get up!" He yelled while grabbing my arm and roughly pulling me out of bed onto the floor. I immediately stood up and slapped him. Hard.

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME LIKE THAT! EVER!" I yelled in his face. He just looked at me. He was fuming. I was preparing myself for him to hit be back... but he didn't. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I hesitated to return the embrace, but once I did I sobbed into his chest. I was hurting. I was hurting so bad.

"I'm going to run a bath okay, you smell like shit." He muttered into my hair. We both laughed before he led us into the bathroom.

He turned the water on and let the tub fill up. He then turned to me like he was waiting for my next move.

"W-what?" I asked while furrowing my brows.

"Well are you going to get in?"

"Um privacy?" I asked while staring at my feet.

"Oh yeah sorry." He muttered before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

I slowly peeled my shirt and sweatpants off. I haven't looked in the mirror in a couple days. I slowly turned around and the sight of myself made me want to puke. There was a huge bruise the size of my stomach. It was a yellow and green tint covering my entire torso. My face was cut and bruised. My cheeks were swollen from my bones being broken. I looked awful.

You are a pathetic whore.

You are a embarrassment as a daughter.




No one will ever love you Caleum.

My fathers voice echoed in my head over and over again. I slid down the wall and tucked my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth. I was hyperventilating. It was like I was reliving every time he hurt me. I let out a choked sob and called for Draco. He immediately burst through the door and held me in his arms. Not even caring I was half naked. He was asking me what was wrong but I couldn't get any words out.

We stayed like that for a while. I finally caught my breath and we stood back up. He started to leave before I grabbed his arm.

"C-can you stay? I- I can't be left alone right now." I whispered with pleading eyes. He shook his head yes before awkwardly turning me around to unclip my bra. He slowly trailed his fingers the bruise forming on my back as well. I was turned away from him so he couldn't see anything.

"Does it hurt?" He asked quietly while keeping a feather like touch on the yellow and green area.

"Sometimes..." I muttered back.

He covered his eyes and turned away from me so he wouldn't see anything. I slowly slipped my underwear off and sunk into the bath. I situated myself and the bubbles to cover my body so Draco wouldn't be able to see anything.

"Okay..." I muttered and he turned around and sat on the edge of the bath and lightly touched my shoulder.

"Sit up a bit so I can wash your hair." He whispered. I slowly sat up and made sure not to expose myself. He put a tiny bit of shampoo in his hand before lathering it in my hair. He made sure to give me a scalp massage like we used to do when we were kids. He used a cup to rise in out before adding conditioner. He helped me finish up my bath before turning around so I could wrap a towel around me. He picked out one of his sweaters and some sweatpants. I put them on and I laid down in bed. He laid beside me and pulled me into him.

"Remember when mum used to bathe us together and then dress us up in matching pajamas?" Draco laughed.

"Yeah, then we would read to each other."

"How could I forget... your taste in books were awful."

We talked for a little while longer before both of us drifted into a deep sleep.


Screaming, someone was screaming. I made my way down the dark hallway of the manor. I could hear the familiar voice that I've grown to love and cherish every time he uttered a single sentence. He was screaming. I ran inside the room to see my father beating him. Like he beat me. Over and over again. He was begging him to stop. We made eye contact. He was crying. His face was bloody and bruised. He was scared. He called out for me but my feet wouldn't move. Some invisible force was holding me back, not allowing me to run to his aid. My father continued to punch and kick him until he stopped moving.

Everything went black.

I sprung up out of bed with tears streaming down my face. I was drenched in sweat and struggled to catch my breath. I felt around the bed for Draco, it was empty. I began to panic. He never leaves at night. Ever. I jumped out of bed stumbling my way to the door. As soon as I opened it I ran right into Draco's hard body.

"Cal what are you doing?" He asked frantically while grabbing both my shoulders.

"W-where were you! Why did you leave?!" I yelled through sharp breaths and tears.

"I went to the lake to clear my head? Was it another nightmare?" He asked calmly. I shook my head yes before he started to speak again.

"Fred's back."

My eyes snapped to his and my mouth dropped open.

He's back?

"He's at the lake. Go talk to him Cal..." he whispered before letting me go and pressing a kiss to my forehead. He went back inside and as soon as I heard the door shut I sprinted to the lake.


New chapter will be out in like an hour😎

I love you all


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