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yours truly,

~{DISCLAIMER: sexual content, praise kink, bondage, spanking, overstimulation, drug use, spitting}~

be prepared to use one hand while reading this

"Fuck" he muttered. He darted his hooded eyes between the two of us. He quickly shook George awake and they both stood up. George quickly took Brinlee from my arms. He laid her down on his bed.

"W-what did you do to her?!" He screamed, while attempting to wipe the blood off her face.

"Me?! You think I'm capable of doing this?" I asked in sudden shock. He didn't respond, he continued to undress Brinlee to examine her injuries. Fred suddenly turned his attention back to me.

"Oh my god Cal!" He said while cupping my face lightly. I furrowed my brows and gave him a questioning look.

"Your face!" He said loudly while examining the rest of my body for anymore injuries. I looked in the mirror and there was a deep purple mark on my cheek. I just shrugged it off.

I wasn't sure where everyone else was. Quite honestly I didn't care one bit. It was almost morning at this point and I was overly exhausted.

George had muttered a few healing spells but they didn't seem to work well enough. We both suggested he takes her to the hospital wing but he refused. He said that they would want to know what happened. That would only earn a bigger beating for both of us.

George had dressed the unconscious Brinlee into a pair of his boxers and a t shirt. He crawled in bed with her and wrapped her in an embrace.

"C-can I sleep here please." I asked Fred quietly. He grabbed both my hands and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. "Of course princess."

I gave him a small smile and kissed his lips softly. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his torso. I buried my face in his chest and took a deep breath. Letting his scent fill my body with serotonin.

"You need a shower." He scoffed with a small laugh. I hit his chest playfully.

"Sorry I didn't have time to make myself presentable sir." I laughed. He raised his eyebrows and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'm only joking love, I can run a bath if you want." He said with a small smile. I shook my head yes and allowed him to lead me into the bathroom. His looked the same as mine.

He turned on the tub and let the water heat up. "Is this okay?" He asked. I reach forward to feel the temperature of the water.

"Hotter." He shook his head and laughed.

"Bloody hell Harrison." He whispered quietly. He turned he water on a little hotter until I agreed on a temperature.

We both slowly peeled our clothes off, Fred got into the bath first and I sat in between his legs. The warmth of the water and the closeness of our body's made this entire night melt from my brain. I leaned my head back on his right shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Cal?" Fred muttered quietly. He was rubbing small circles on my lower stomach.


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