hurt me.

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Trigger warning: parental abuse, violence, and minor sexual assault ------------------

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Trigger warning: parental abuse, violence, and minor sexual assault

Draco and I woke up the next morning after barely being able to sleep. I was terrified. I knew it would be bad. Draco has been quiet. He's been staring at the wall for hours. Not uttering a single word. I could tell he was scared. Just as scared as I was. Not just for me but for himself. We didn't know when we would be back. I knew we had to leave quickly.

"Morning ladies" Blaise and Layton's voice pulled us out of our thoughts. As soon as I heard their voices I let out a choked sob from inside the bathroom, making Draco shoot up from his sitting position in bed and run over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held my head to his chest. I continued to cry, feeling a panic attack coming on.

"W-what is going on?" I heard Maddie's soft voice enter into the bathroom. Just hearing her voice made me cry even harder. I felt Draco tremble a bit when she lightly touched his back.

"Maddie not now." Draco said sternly while shaking her off of him.

"Draco tell me what's happening! Where are you going?" She asked frantically while darting her brown eyes between the two of us. Blaise and Layton were standing in the door way just as confused as Maddie was. I pulled away from Draco to address them. I grabbed Maddie's hands and looked at her with tears streaming down my face.

"Mad's we got called home, our fathers found out about F-Fred and I." I spoke softly. I saw her eyes widen and her lips tremble. Her eyes immediately spilled over with tears.

"W-what? That's impossible... we-we kept you safe!" She cried while turning towards Draco. She was being irrational. Her heart was breaking for us. We all knew that Draco and I were in serious danger.

"W-we can come with you! I'll help you guys!" Layton yelled while trying to not to let his voice crack. Blaise was just standing there. His hands cupping his face. He bent down in a crouching position and began to breathe heavily.

Needless to say we were all terrified. We were scared. All of us. We all knew that this wasn't going to end well. Probably one of us would end up with serious injuries or emotional distress.

At this point maddie was frantic. She was crying historically begging us to not go. To go to Dumbledore for protection. To do anything to get out of the situation.

We couldn't. We had to go. We didn't have a choice. We never do, and never will.

Draco and I pulled them all into a group hug.

"We love guys okay. We will be back as soon as we can." Draco said with a shaky voice before apparating us to the manor.

Fred's POV:

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