The letter.

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remember when you told me you never wished to never be parted from me?

remember when you told me you never wished to never be parted from me?******

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The last few days at the burrow were perfect. Fred and I literally couldn't keep our hands off each other. Any chance we had we would sneak off and enjoy each other's company. Today was the last night we would be at the burrow. I was quite sad honestly, yes I missed all my friends but this was the best Christmas I've ever had.

"Cal" Fred whispered, pulling me out of my train of thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked back in a low whisper doing my best not to wake up George and Brinlee.

"C-can we um..?" He asked while running his hands through his hair.

"Can we what Fred?" I said in an annoyed tone. Fred and I went at it 3 times already today. Quite honestly, I just wanted to sleep.

"Can we- like do something?" He asked while pulling his entire body on top of mine and resting his head on my chest.

"Are you ever not horny?" I asked with a giggle.

" I just can't get enough of you" he whispered while kissing down my neck.

"Fred I'm tired... and sore." I whispered back.

"Then let me do all the work." He said while running his hands up my shirt to tease my nipples. I let out a sigh at the contact. He slowly moved his head up and lightly kissed my lips. He bit my bottom lip and pulled making me moan into the kiss. He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"You know what, get some sleep love. Big day tomorrow." He winked before rolling to the other side of the bed away from me.

Fuck seriously?

It was the next morning and we made our way to Kings Cross Station. We said our goodbyes to Molly and Arthur. She reminded to the twins to be safe, use protection, stay away from drugs, etc... she then reminded Ginny and I to stay away from boys. She then personally reminded me to not forget the vial. Brinlee just stayed away. I was absolutely ecstatic to see Draco and tell him that I lost my virginity. As weird as it sounds. I knew he would be over the moon and ask as many personal questions he could. We boarded the train and found a compartment.

"Love I'm going to go and talk to my friends okay." I said to Fred when we sat down.

"Okay, I'll come stop by later." He said back while giving me a peck on the lips.

I made my way to the compartment that they were seated in. Once I came into view they all turned their heads and stood up showering me with hugs.

"fuck we missed you Harrison." Blaise said while hugging me tightly.

Maddie squealed and grabbed me and hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe.

"Maddie- I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry" she said while sitting back down.

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