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you are all I need Fred Weasley.


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"What the actual FUCK?!"

Before Fred and I could react to the situation, Layton stormed in the room and grabbed me by the wrist yanking me out of bed and onto the floor.

"Get the fuck up Weasley!!" Layton screamed

Fred stood up faster than I could even blink and towered over Layton. Fred was easily 5 inches taller.

Fred grabbed Layton by the collar of his shirt and lifted his feet off the ground with ease.

"You ever lay a hand on her like that again, I will bash your fucking face in Williams. Understand?"

"Piss off" Layton said through gritted teeth.

I was too shocked to even move, I've never seen Fred so angry in my life. My knees were sore and my wrist already ached from how hard Layton yanked me out of bed.

"Fred put my brother down!" Maddie yelled.

"Or what?" Fred said back not tearing his eyes away from Layton's.

"Please Fred!" Maddie yelled again while hitting his back over and over again. It didn't even faze him.

I couldn't take it anymore. I cant see my two best friends get hurt. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. He just doesn't know how to control himself sometimes.

I stood up and walked over to Fred and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Freddie put him down, I'm okay I promise."

Fred studded my face for a moment before dropping Layton to the ground. As soon as Laytons feet hit the ground , he nailed a hard punch right on Fred's mouth making his lip split open immediately. Maddie gasped in shock and my hands flew to my mouth. Fred just stood there. His head still turned to the side. He just smiled. He fucking smiled. What?

"There he is." Fred muttered.

Before I could even blink Fred nailed a hard punch right on Layton's nose. The sound of his nose breaking and cracking echoed the room. He stumbled back making Maddie run to his side.

"Fuck Layton, I would hex the shit out of Fred but you did hit him first. You basically asked for it..." Maddie muttered while attempting to wipe the blood from his face.

"Here, tilt his head back and pinch" Fred said while handing Maddie a clothe.

What the fuck just happened?

"Okay can you two explain what this is all about?!" Blaise yelled while directing his hand over Fred's very dark hickeys and us not having shirts on.

"I-" I began before being interrupted by a platinum blonde.

"Woah what the fuck is going on??" He yelled in a surprised tone.

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