just the two of us.

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i love you always,
yours truly
Play the song when you get to the kitchen scene ^^

i love you always,yours truly-cal*******Play the song when you get to the kitchen scene ^^

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Fred and I woke up the next morning after everyone else. When we made our way downstairs everyone was already eating breakfast.

"There they are! Come sit dears!" Molly said while patting a seat next to her.

"About time Freddie, we missed you!" Brinlee whispered to him from across the table.

"Sorry we just could exactly sleep with you and George going at it all night." I whispered back making Fred snicker.

"Aw I'm sorry, are you upset you didn't get any action? I could help you if you want! Teach you what he likes..." Brinlee said back in a cheerful tone.

"Excuse me? Any action? Fred and I happen to enjoy each other's company outside of the bedroom." I stated while getting up and walking upstairs in a huff.

This girl has some fucking nerve to speak to me like that.

I made it to the twins bedroom and began gathering my things for a shower. Fred followed behind me closing the door behind him.

"Mum and dad are going to Hogsmede for some last minute gifts." Fred said while wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I didn't respond, I just wiggled my way out of his grasp and continued to grab my things.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He said sternly.


"Fucking hell how many times have I told you you are the only one I want!" He screamed back.

"I don't give a shit how many times you told me, none of that matters if you continue to let her speak to me and you like that."

"Will you chill out! She's fucking harmless Caleum!"

"Chill out?!? She asked you to have SEX with her last night! In front of me might I add!! I yelled while jabbing my finger in his chest.

"Yeah and what did I tell her?? I told her to fuck off! What more do you want me to do???"

"Fuck her."

Might as well mess with his head a bit.

"What? No!" He said while stepping away from me.

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