christmas morning.

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She loves you.

This chapter has a lot of flashback

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This chapter has a lot of flashback. It kind of explains Draco and Cals relationship a little.

Also wap warning:)

"Morning my love" Fred muttered while placing kisses all over my body.

We were still naked from last nights activity's.

"Morning Fred" I giggled.

"Give me lovin's" he whined while burying his face in my chest and wrapping his legs around me like a child.

I was feeling pretty bold today. I rolled him over on his back straddling his hips. He smirked at me before grabbing my thighs and running his hands up and down my body causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

"This works too."

"What are you thinking about?" I asked while gently placing kisses down his collar bone.

"Being inside you again." He said with confidence which made me gasp a little.

I pressed my mouth to his in an opened mouthed kiss. He teased my lips with his tongue making sparks fly to my core. I felt him harden against my thigh. I kissed down his neck and he bucked his hips in response.

"Fuck stop teasing" he crooned making me smile.

I didn't respond. I grabbed his length making him tense up and placed his tip at my entrance but never sinking down onto him.

"Fuck Cal stop" he groaned.

"Go on Fred, fuck me." I moaned.

In a sudden swift motion he threw me onto my back and roughly slammed into me, hitting my cervix. I cried out in pleasure and pain which made him recoil a little and cup my face.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He said while doing his best not to move inside me.

"No Fred it feels good keep going." I whispered back while pressing a kiss to his mouth. He slowly moved in and out of me making me drop my mouth open and moan. "Fuck- right there-" I said in between moans.

"Shit Cal- your- your so tight." Fred moaned while increasing his speed. I pressed an opened mouth kiss to his lips. Our tongues intertwined. I could feel the vibrations from his moans in my mouth.

I wrapped my legs around his waist to coax him in deeper. I felt him pulse inside of me. "Fuck-Caleum" Fred moaned while grabbing the head board making the veins in his arm pop. He threw his head back exposing his neck. Sweat was glistening his body. This was quite a sight to see.

He hit my g-stop making my core tighten around him. I felt myself growing hot down below. "Fuck-Fred I'm gonna- keep going." He grunted in response and kept the same movements. My toes began to curl around his toned and naked torso and my core tightened. I came with a loud moan, his name spilling out from my lips over and over again.

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