past and present.

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the truth is...

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I felt my blood run cold. Our father? How is that even possible? My father only has one kid... And that's me? I slipped out of Brinlees grasp and ran up the hill with Adley, Maddie, and Fred running behind me calling my name. I didn't stop, I kept running until I made it to the corridors. I slid down the wall the buried my head in my hands. Not only was I confused as fuck, I was also hurt. Brinlee said Fred has been in between her legs.

I heard footsteps approach behind me. I felt two bodies next to me. I lifted my head to see Adley and Maddie staring at me with sorry and pitiful eyes. I stood up and they both wrapped their arms around me.

"We are going to figure this out okay." Maddie whispered while whipping the tears from my face.

"Yeah she's probably lying just to get under that pretty skin of yours." Adley said back while cupping my cheek and kissing my forehead. I smiled lightly at both of them.

"And as for Fred, I'm going to fucking kill him." Maddie said with an angry expression while she watched him approach us. He stopped in front of me while trying to catch his breath.

"Cal- are you alright?" He panted out while trying to take a step towards me. Both Adley and Maddie stepped in front of me.

"Look Weasley I think it's best if you let her alone right now." Adley said sternly while grabbing my hand. Fred furrowed his brows and looked between all three of us.

"What- why?" He asked. Is he completely oblivious to what Brinlee said?

"Oh I don't know maybe it's because you've been in between Brinlees nasty legs?!" Maddie yelled while taking a step towards him, making his back hit the wall. His eyes widened once he realized his little secret was out.

"I- I uh- I don't know what she's talking about Cal." He said nervously while darting his eyes between me and Maddie. With new found anger and disgust at the man that was standing in front of me, I took a step forward and met his gaze, only inches from his face.

"Fred, don't lie to me" I said sternly. He huffed loudly before speaking.

"Look- we were only 15 and we were drunk and it was me and George. It meant nothing... I'm actually super ashamed it even happened. She's been obsessed ever since. All she wants to do is shag me! It was bloody 2 years ago! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I really am." Fred pleaded while grabbing both my hands. I felt bad almost. I could tell he really wanted to do the right thing. I could tell he was embarrassed.

"15?!?" Maddie and Adley both yelled.

"Like I said I'm not proud of it..." Fred mumbled.

I met his gaze and he met mine. Both of us getting lost in each other. I was angry at him but also felt like I needed him. Or maybe I needed something else. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I looked up at Fred's pleading eyes and pulled out of his grip.

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