back together.

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i remember the day we met

-----------------  "OH, Remember when you got so drunk you fell into the lake behind the manor?" Maddie asked as we all sat in a tiny compartment

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"OH, Remember when you got so drunk you fell into the lake behind the manor?" Maddie asked as we all sat in a tiny compartment.

"Fucking hell Maddie" I breathed out. She always has so much goddamn energy. All I wanted was a nice quiet ride back to hogwarts without the whole 'let's all tell embarrassing stories about caleum' tradition after summer break.

"I remember very clearly actually" Layton said as he pulled me out of my thoughts. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I opened my book.

"Harrison why are you always reading bloody muggle stories" Draco scoffed as he sat down giving Maddie a quick peck on the lips. Layton made gagging noises which caused the group to erupt in a fit of giggles and maddie's cheeks to go bright red.

Layton always hated the little relationship Maddie had with draco. Probably because he hated the idea of his best friend shagging his sister.

He has no room to talk though, Layton and I have had a thing some might call it, for a couple years now. We've never done... that, but other things have happened over the years. However, we've always been interrupted. Layton and I have always remained close friends and nothing else. Only because we all know I don't do relationships.

"Oi, Zabini! Over here daddy!!" Layton yelled, which caused the group to once again erupt in a fit of laughter at the pet name.

"Hello laddies and lads glad I could grace you with my presence" Blaise said dramatically. Leave it up to him to make a grand entrance.

"Yeah, yeah, do you have it?" Draco asked with eggar eyes. "Have what?" Maddie asked.

Blaise pulled out a tiny bag with what was quite obviously weed. My eyes that were once glued to my book now on the erb in the tiny bag.

"Lemme see" I quipped as Layton handed me the bag. I immediately stuffed it into my bra despite the protests of the boys.

"Cmon Cal give it here!" Layton says. I immediately plastered a smirk on my face and shifted so my elbows were on my knees. I reached forward and began to play with his curly black hair.

"Cmon Lay I'm just keeping it safe love. Plus the more you give to Maddie and I the more free blowjobs I'll give you" I pulled away from him and sat back in my original position. The boys began to pat Layton on the back and continue on with their conversations.

We finally made it back to Hogwarts after being gone all summer. It felt nice to be home. As I was leaving the compartment I ran right into a hard tall body.

"Sorry bout' that love" A voice boomed down on me. I furrowed my brows and looked up, I met the gaze of a red haired wizard. One of the twins. One of them. Not sure which one.

"I would cuss you out but I'm not sure which twin you are" I said with a small smile.

I really had no interest in speaking to him right now. I just want to go to my dorm.

He looked down at me for a small moment. I took the time to study his features. He was obviously very tall. Quite skinny to be honest, but you could easily tell he was toned under his robes.

His hair was fiery red and almost reached his shoulder. God, long hair.

His cheeks and nose were scattered with small barley noticeable freckles.

When I finally met his gaze I took a couple extra seconds to study his eyes.


Not just brown though. Almost like a honey color with a pool of light green surrounding his pupils. He was good looking. Anyone would admit that.

My type though?


His gaze fell from my face to my chest which you could ultimately see a tad bit of cleavage due to the low v-neck shirt I was wearing. He then lifted his right hand and tapped the bag that was just barely sticking out.

"Blaise bought from us this morning. It's strong. Be careful" He whispered and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle my drugs" I said back, irritation beginning to bubble inside me. He responded with a low breathy chuckle.

"Alright well, I should get going... I'm Fred by the way!"

And with that he left.

" Now. Let's get this show on the fucking road" Maddie said from behind me.

"That weed won't smoke itself" Draco beemed as he grabbed the bag out of my bra and stuffed it into his pocket.


whenever i go back and read this chapter i realize how bad it was. i promise my writing gets much better throughout the story

i love you all


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