let me please you.

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i'm worried about you love, are you safe? are you happy?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~warning: I wanna gag, I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil' dangly thingThat swing in the back of my throat;))------------------

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warning: I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing
That swing in the back of my throat;))

Where the fuck is he?

I needed to find him. Where the fuck are you Fred?

I decided to check his dorm.

Not there.

I checked every empty closet and classroom.

Not there.

The only other place he could be would be the lake.

I stumbled my way down the lake. My knuckle were dripping a trail of blood everywhere I walked. My chest had splatters of Angelinas blood on it and my lip was bleeding down my chin onto my neck. My mascara was smeared in tear marks down my face. Needless to say, I looked fucking crazy.

I was also drunk, very drunk.

There he was.

Just sitting there. In his own head.

My eyes welled up at the sight of him. I need a fucking hug. His arms wrapped around me.

"Fred!" I yelled in a choked sob.

He turned around and his face dropped. His eyes scanning me up and down as I tried to stay standing upright.

"What the fuck happened to you??" He yelled while getting up and cupping my face with his large hands. He was searching my body for the source of all the blood before they landed on my knuckles.

"What happened?? Who did this to you??" He asked frantically while running his hands over my blood splattered chest in search for a wound.

"F-Fred it's not my blood!" I yelled making him stop and snap his eyes to mine.

"Who's is it?" He asked while trying to wrap my hand with a piece of clothe he ripped off his shirt.

"That fucking prick of an ex girlfriend" I muttered.



He furrowed his brows, the corner of his mouth tugging up in a smirk.

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