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~{details of a miscarriage, depression, suicidal thoughts, and self harm}~

Suicide hotline: 800-273-8255

Suicide hotline: 800-273-8255

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Fred's POV:

"Fuck" I'm moaned as I finished myself off. I braced myself on the shower wall, breathing heavily. It's only been 12 days since the miscarriage. Cal doesn't talk anymore, let alone get near me. She won't let me touch her when she sleeps, she won't let me help her get cleaned up. All she does is sleep and cry. I didn't expect this to hit her as hard as it did. Mum said that this is normal. That she would most likely fall into a deep depression. I want to help her so bad but I don't know how.

I rarely let my emotions get the best of me. I'm always keeping it to myself. The truth is, it's been so fucking hard. Watching the women I love go through this has been excruciating. I only let myself cry when I'm alone. I've owled Draco twice to let him know that she's here due to a medical emergency. He's asked to come see her so many times but she won't let him. She tells me she would leave if I let him come to the burrow. To be honest, she's fucking mean to me. For no reason.

Going these 12 days without some sort of affection from her has been proven to be completely awful. All I want to do is touch her. I want to make her feel good. I want to make sure she knows she's loved. It's a rare occurrence when she does cuddle with me at night. Last night I woke up with her head on my chest, she was drawing small shapes over and over again. As soon as I put my arms around her she yelled at me and left the bedroom. She sat against the bathroom wall for 3 hours. Every time I would come in to ask her is she was okay she'd tell me to fuck off. Mum made it very clear that we couldn't have sex for another week. That seemed to piss her off even more. As soon as mum said that she stomped upstairs yelling something we couldn't hear.

When she does talk, she talks about having a baby. About what it would be like if this one would've made it. I will admit, it's helped me cope... taking about it. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't want to try again. I mean if we would prepare it would be okay right? I knew she wanted to as well, but we both know that it's not time. We aren't even married. Or out of school.

Going these 12 days without having sex with her hasn't helped for shit. Yes I know I shouldn't be thinking about that right now, but I can't bloody help it. She walks around the bedroom in almost nothing. It's like she's trying to get me to come onto her. I tried one night. I kissed her and she finally kissed back. The next thing I knew she was straddling me and trying to unbuckle my belt. I had to stop her. Mum told us it's not safe. That it would rupture something. When I stopped her she groaned and got off me. Then she wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

After I finished my shower I put a towel around my waist and went back into my bedroom. Cal was balling the sheets up and throwing them into the hamper. This has been a daily occurrence, but there's nothing we can to about it.

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