the morning after.

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she was scared Freddie, she thought she gave herself to you. She wanted to wait for someone she cared about and loved. That was you. It was always you Fred, the only one for her. Please come back to her...



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Fred Weasley.


I quickly gathered my things and ran out of the room as fast as I could. I'm not sure where Fred was, and quite frankly I didn't want to know.

I made it to the slytherin common room and muttered the password. I just wanted to get back to my room without any questions or looks from other people.

I ran to my room and it was locked. I pulled out my want and muttered 'alohomora'

When I walked into the room I saw Maddie and Draco butt ass naked in Maddie's bed.

"DRACO GET THE FUCK OUT NOW" I yelled. I was panicking. All I wanted was to cry to Maddie.

"Hey cal" he muttered without opening his eyes.

"Draco. Out. Now." I said sternly

"Cal. No. Fuck. You." He mocked back, imitating my voice.

"Draco I- please" my voice began to crack and tears threatened to spill down my cheeks

Draco stood up wrapping the blanket around his lower half. He firmly grabbed my shoulders.

"Cal what is going on?" He said while whipping my tears.

N- nothing Draco please just leave, we can talk later okay?" I said while kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay" he said while getting dressed

Before he left he pulled me into a hug and whispered

"I love you"

"Love you too"

He walked over to Maddie who was still asleep and gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking out.

Once Draco was out I went to Maddie's bed and laid down next to her cuddling up to her side.

"Maddie please wake up"


"Maddie I did something bad" I sobbed

She sat up, pulling a shirt on and wrapping her arms around me.

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