death by breathing.

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this isn't fair
~{this chapter contains details of a miscarriage, it's incredibly graphic. If you are uncomfortable with it I'd skip }~

 If you are uncomfortable with it I'd skip }~

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Caleum's pov:

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, the room was still dark. I felt Fred's body spooning mine from behind. I attempted to sit up before he stopped me. Suddenly a sharp pain emitted from my back to my stomach. I winced a bit, I was too exhausted to scream.

"Lay down love, you've been asleep for 12 hours." Fred whispered while rubbing my back lightly. He was putting pressure and massaging my lower back where the pain was coming from. I slowly laid back down and curled into his chest. I wanted to cry so bad. I needed to cry, but I couldn't. Nothing came out. I was just numb.

Fred was stroking the hair away from my face. He was doing everything in his power to make me comfortable. I was slowly starting to drift off when I felt a puddle beneath me. I slowly sat up and pulled the covers off of us. The bed sheets were completely stained with my blood as well as my shorts and underwear. I was so embarrassed.

"I- I'm sorry- it was an accident..." I started. Fred suddenly grabbed my face and pressed a kiss to my lips quickly. "Shhh it's okay love, you can't control it." He whispered. I didn't want him to get Molly. I was already embarrassed enough. I couldn't go to the hospital wing because they would inform my parents. That would mean my father would find out about the pregnancy. He would kill me and Fred. Literally.

"Mum!" Fred called. Molly came into the room. I kept my head down, I was ashamed over all the messes I've made since I've been here. Molly walked over to us and helped Fred and I out of bed. The cramps in my stomach were unbearable. I was leaning on Fred while clutching my lower stomach. Molly striped the bed and balled up the sheets.

"I'm so sorry Molly, I didn't meant to make a mess" I cried out. Finally tears were once again flowing down my cheeks. Molly put the bloody sheets in a hamper and walked over to us. She cupped my face and pulled me in for a hug.

"It's not your fault dear, I went through this to around your age. I'm here for you, I'm glad you came to me." She whispered. My eyes widened a bit. Molly went through it? I didn't know stuff like this was so common. Molly kissed my forehead and Fred's.

"It will be like this for a while Caleum, the bleeding and cramping will stop eventually but it's going to be hard. You can always lean on Fred and I for anything and everything dear. I can try to cast some charms to help stop the bleeding but it's going to be hard." Molly explained. I nodded my head. She left the room with tears swelling her eyes.

"We have to get you cleaned up love." Fred whispered against the top of my head. I sighed, I really didn't want him to look at me naked again. I feel disgusting and I'm sure I look disgusting as well. I don't know how he can even look at me right now.

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