the final battle.

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AN: i highly recommend going back and re reading from the chapter "he's gone" it's been so long...

May 2, 1998

Fred's pov:

"You okay Freddie?" George said as we stared out at the battle in full swing.

"Yeah" I replied with a small smile on my face. He smiled back, and nudged my shoulder.

"Me too" He said and smiled.

After I found out about the baby. I realized I have to fight for my family. I have to fight for my child. God, we are too young for this.

I'm eighteen years old, how the fuck am I going to be a father?

"Fred!" A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Paris standing there waiting to go. Her dark hair was pulled back into a braid. George walked over and pulled her into his chest. She hugged him back as the tears rimmed her eyes.

Paris had been coming to the burrow ever since our night we spent together. Nothing romantic has ever happened between us since that night. She's been helping me form a plan on how to get this all under control.

"Where did Draco say to meet?" She asked as we began walking out of the room we were in.

"He said left wing." I mumbled as I watched my feet drag across the pebbled ground. I felt sick.

The more I walked the more scared I got.

What if Cals mad at me?

What if she doesn't want to keep the baby?

I felt the bile rise up my throat as I leaned over and dry heaved. Paris and George stopped. George came over and ran his palm over my back until the nausea faded away.

My hands were shaking and my skin felt hot. I'm so fucking scared. The more I thought about seeing Draco and Cal the more anxiety I felt bubble.

"You alright?" Paris asked and I shook my head yes and stood up, rubbing my eyes.

We walked and walked as explosions and lights flashed around us. I felt the ground shake with the explosions going on around us.


I turned around and met the grey eyes I missed more than I thought I would. I let out a small sob as Draco wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me so hard I lost my breath.

"Holy fuck." He sniffed as he stood there and hugged. Once we pulled away he looked me in the eyes, then, swung his fist back landing a punch right in my jaw.


I groaned as my head whipped to the side and I held my face.

"If you leave her like that again I'll kill you." He said darkly, then he patted my back and began walking.

"Come with me"


Cal's pov:

"Are you feeling alright?" Maddie asked me as she attempted to fix my curls I've neglected.

"I don't know Maddie..." I whispered as I held my knees to my chest as well as I could with the growing bump on my belly.

The warm bath water comforted my aching muscles, and Maddie's gentle fingers combing through my hair made me sigh.

"They are going to be okay." She said to me, referring to Layton, Blaise, and Draco. Who went to the school to fight in the final battle, and to also retrieve Fred.

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