just sleeping.

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Your eyes captivated me from the very beginning.


After we made it back inside Fred walked me to my dorm to tell Draco that I would be staying with him and to grab a few things. Fred complained almost the entire time about having to walk all the way to the dungeons. He was claiming he was too tired to walk an farther.

"Fred quit being a baby we're almost there"

"But I'm fucking tired love"

"Okay and I am too, it'll only take a minute"

"Why does Malfoy have to know where you are and what your doing at all times" he said in an annoyed huff.

"Well... he doesn't exactly, he just wants to make sure I'm safe."

"He probably fancy's y-"

"Don't finish that sentence" I said while stopping in my tracks and snapping my head back to him.

He mouthed 'sorry' before we kept walking.

I broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Fred he doesn't fancy me okay? He's all I've ever had and I'm all he's ever had, since we were kids..." I said in a quiet voice while taking his hand in mine.

"I know, I'm sorry I guess" he said while bringing my knuckles to his lips.

I chuckled to myself at his attempt to apologize. I could tell he's not used to apologizing for something he said.

We reached my dorm and I unlocked the door.

"Stay here and whatever you do, don't come in"


"Fred, do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am" he said with a big ass smile on his face.

"Quit it"

"It's hot when you are all bossy" he said while grabbing my waist and pressing his lips to mine. I let the kiss linger for a bit before pulling away and turning around. Fred playfully smacked my ass while I walked into my dorm.

"You're early" I heard Draco say from under Maddie's sleeping body.

"Um yeah"

I just stood at the foot of the bed awkwardly fiddling with my ring.

"Are you gonna go to sleep or just stand there like a fucking creep?" He spat in an annoyed tone.

"Um I'm actually going to spend the night with Fred" I said back while beginning to gather some things.

"No you aren't"

What? What the fuck did he just say?"

"Excuse me D? Did I just hear the correctly?"

"Yes. You aren't going to spend the night with him."

"I'm sorry but the last time I checked you have no authority over me"

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