war talk and second guessing.

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• "Layton you're whipped mate" •

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• "Layton you're whipped mate" •

Sexual content

"Fred get out!" I yelled, Fred stood in the doorway of my bedroom when I was doing my best to change as quickly as possible, I was already late for class.

"Get out?" He smirked, he leaned his left shoulder on the doorway and looked me up and down.

"Yes privacy is a thing you know."

"Privacy? As if I wasn't 10 inches deep in you literally last night." He laughed.

"Shut up, seriously I'm late!" I yelled against, I attempted to pull my skirt up but failed and ended up tripping over my own feet.

"Cal what's this?" Fred spoke, he lifted up a rolled up piece of parchment with a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know, Mum sent it yesterday but I haven't read it yet."

Fred glanced back down at the parchment and began to open it slowly. He unrolled it and his eyes began to scan the paper. "Oh shit..." he spoke slowly.

"What?" I asked, walking up to him to read it as well.

Dear children,
A war is coming, and coming soon. Your fathers always wanted you and Draco to become death eaters, ever since you were born. We don't want that for you. Your fathers have arrived back home and would like you and the other children to return to the manor to receive your mark.

Listen to us very carefully, Dumbledore and Severus are aware of the situation and have given you enough time to get out of here. We will send you a port key to an unknown location. No one will know where you are. You will be safe and free from harm. You must stay there until the war is over. Leave your wands in your room, so no one can trace your whereabouts.

This is not an option.

-Narcissa and Venus

I felt my stomach drop, this has to be a joke. Fred looked at me and intertwined our hands. Just as I was about to say something Draco, Blaise and Layton both opened my door with teary eyes and pale faces, each holding the same letter I received.

"Cal we have to go now." Draco spoke.

"Wait a second! We can't just drop our entire lives until the war is over. Fuck! I didn't even know there was a war coming."

"Neither did we." Theos said as he emerged from the group of boys.

"Cal you have to go." Fred muttered quietly.

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