malfoy manor.

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i had no choice.


My eyes slowly fluttered open. I wasn't sure who's room I was in for a moment until I felt Adleys body wrapped around my side. I laughed softly and sat up. She stirred for a moment before she sat up as well.

We looked at each other before both falling into uncomfortable silence. I don't know if it was because of our activities last night that made it somewhat awkward.

"You and Fred aren't dating right...?" She spoke up quietly.

"No we haven't officially gotten back together, we kinda just act like we are... don't worry about it Ad, he asked me for a threesome with you." I laughed. She giggled and stood up to put some clothes on.

We were both stripped down to just our underwear. We both still didn't have our bras on from last night. We weren't trying to hide anything, I'm pretty sure we are way past that point. As I stripped down and she watched me as I was about to pull my bra on.

She stepped towards me and lowered my hands from clipping my bra. She slowly took it in her hands and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me softly, her lips locking with mine. She teased my lips with her tongue. I walked us backwards towards the bed. Once the back of her knees hit the edge of the soft mattress she collapsed onto it. I sensually crawled on top of her and kissed her again. I trailed my kiss to her neck making her breathing hutch.

"Cal don't be a te-" Adley was cut off suddenly when the door swung wide open. We both snapped our heads in the direction of the door.

Draco was standing there with a rolled up piece of parchment in his hands and wide eyes. I saw him shift his robe over the front of his trousers as his face flushed red. Adley and I were too shocked to move at first. We both fell out of our daze and jumped away from each other immediately. Adley covered her exposed chest while I just stood up and rubbed my temples. Draco seeing me naked really doesn't bother me anymore.

"Draco how the fuck did you get in here?" I asked with a serious tone.

"I- I uh- well" he stuttered as he shifted his pants uncomfortably.

"Did we leave the great Draco Malfoy speechless Cal?" Adley smirked as she pulled her top back on.

"Huh, indeed we did." I responded with a smirk.

"Well when you unexpectedly walk in on two girls making out naked it's kinda hard to process it." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. We stood in silence for a few moments before Draco spoke up again.

"Cal put clothes on, fucking hell." He said while keeping his gaze on the wall in front of him. I put my sweatpants and t- shirt on and pulled my hair up into a messy bun.

"Okay now why are you here?" I asked. He looked at me with excited yet nervous eyes. I glanced back at Adley, she was staring at us with a confused expression.

"Here." Was all Draco said and handed me the parchment. I unrolled it and immediately noticed Narcissas and my mothers hand writing.

Draco and Caleum,

We were informed that Caleum had an altercation with another student. A rather important student. You two are both lucky we received Miss Brinlees letter instead of your fathers. Lucius and Andrew are both out for a work trip in Italy. They won't be back until your birthdays. It will be a very special time for them.

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