new me.

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it's time to man up and come back to her. She needs you.

Content Warning: drug use ------------------

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Content Warning: drug use

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I groaned and rolled over only to feel a body next to me. For some reason my mind thought it was Fred, so I rolled over and draped my entire body onto theirs. I nuzzled my face into the persons neck until I realized who it was. The scent of mint and cologne filled my nostrils. It was normal for Draco to sleep in the same bed as me. But naked? Not so much. I sprung out of bed and stood up causing him to stir. He rolled over and his eyes widened, I stood there with wide eyes until I realized I was butt naked. Draco was just starting at me doing his absolute best to not tear his eyes away from mine. He then jumped up and stood at the other end of the bed.

"Put some clothes on!" I yelled while covering my eyes with my hand.

"Me?? You are standing there completely naked!" He yelled while turning around.

I grabbed a t- shirt from off the floor and threw it on. He took the comforter and wrapped it around his waist.

"Why are we naked?!" I heard him yell while turning around to face me. I was frantically pulling my hair up into a messy bun while searching around the room for my pants.

"Could ask you the same question." I yelled back while standing up. As soon as I stood up I felt my core ache. My eyes widened as my hand flew to my lower abdomen.

"Oh... shit Draco." I muttered while eying him. Everything was hitting me all at once. The nightmare, the fight with Fred, my heart literally being ripped out of my chest, the firewhiskey, the kiss, the sex.... Fuck I literally had sex with Draco Malfoy. Fuck that's awkward.

"Uh you remember?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes I fucking remember!"

"No one can find out about that, Maddie would fucking kill both of us." Draco scoffed.

"This is never happening again got it Malfoy?" I said sternly.

"Fine by me." He shrugged.


One week later:

Draco and I haven't spoken about that night.

Our relationship hasn't changed at all, if anything we are closer than ever. Any awkward tension between us is gone. We also have no shame around each other. Seeing each other naked is the last thing we are worried about.

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