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I'm sorry
~{ this chapter contains details of blood, severe pain, and some situations that may be emotionally too much to handle}~

I'm sorry *****~{ this chapter contains details of blood, severe pain, and some situations that may be emotionally too much to handle}~

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I felt a sharp pain shoot up my middle, shaking me awake. The room was pitch black, I was sweating and in pain. I looked at the clock and it read 5:11 am. Only 2 hours since I've fallen asleep.

The pain was like hot knives twisting and turning inside my stomach. I let out an involuntary scream. I clutched my stomach and let out a loud sob. My entire body was shaking and heating up.

Fred and Adley both woke up and were asking me what was wrong. I couldn't talk. I was in the fetal position, I couldn't move. My stomach was cramping so bad to the point where I felt like my intestines were being ripped out.

"Cal?!" Fred yelled while trying to pry my body open from the ball I was laying in. Adley switched on the light, she was also trying to ask me what was wrong.

Finally the pain stopped. I could finally breathe again. My body relaxed for a second and I leaned into Fred, breathing heavily.

"Cal what was that? Why were you screaming? What's wrong?" Fred yelled.

"M-my stomach." Was all I could respond with. I slowly got up from the bed and made my way into the bathroom. Suddenly the pain came back all over again. I fell on my hands and knees and let out another sob.

Fred came running to my side while Adley ran in front of me and cupped my face. I continued to sob over and over again. I felt like if I moved that the pain would only get worse.

I suddenly felt something warm running down my legs. I slowly shifted my body to see what it was.


There was blood running down my legs into the floor. Fred took notice and seemed to panic. He was using his hands to try and prevent the blood from dripping onto the floor. His hands were completely covered, he was trying to find the source of where it was coming from.

My hair was sticking to my forehead from sweating so much. Adley had taken a cold washcloth and was dabbing it around my face.

"Fred w- oh my god." Adley muttered. Her eyes widened when she was Fred's bloody hands and the entire inside of my thighs and all the way down to my knees covered.

Meanwhile I was still sobbing. My nails dug into the wood beneath us. I was still on all fours, with my head in between my elbows. This was the worse pain I've ever felt.

"I- I don't know! I'm not a girl! Isn't this normal?" Fred yelled. His voice cracking. He was obviously terrified.

"NO! This is not normal! Something is wrong!" Adley cried. She took Fred's place from behind me. Fred stood up and was breathing heavily, doing his best not to cry.

Adley was trying to inspect my entire body to see what was going on.

"Fred you need to take her to the hospital wing now." She said sternly. The pain was subsiding but it was still excruciating. Fred picked me up bridal style and was about to walk out before I stopped him.

"The burrow, your mum." I rasped out. Fred nodded his head and apperated us to the burrow. Leaving Adley alone in her room.

We landed with a hard thud in the middle of the living room.

"MUM!!" Fred called. No answer. He yelled her name again before we heard some shuffling.

Molly came downstairs wearing only a night gown. She was rubbing her eyes trying to make out who was in the room.

"Fred?" She asked softly.

"Mum I don't know what's happening- Cal, she- she's hurt or something. She's bleeding everywhere but won't tell us what hurts." Fred stuttered with a panicked tone.

"Lay her on the couch." Molly insisted. I was on the verge of passing out. My entire body was week.

Fred gently laid me down on the couch and Molly crouched down to my face. She cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"Fred go get me some devils claw." Molly ordered. Fred obviously hesitated, he didn't want to leave me.

"She's alright, it's in the kitchen." Molly whispered.

She turned her attention back to me. Examining my body. I was in and out of consciousness. The pain had finally subsided. Molly had slowly pried my legs open slightly. She gasped and cupped her mouth with both hands.

"W-what?" I managed to whisper. She turned her attention back to me and cupped my face. She was crying, but I didn't know why.

"Caleum, love, when was your last period?" Molly asked with a shaking voice and trembling hands.

"I don't remember, a long time." I whispered back. I was trying so hard not to fall asleep. Fred had come back with the devils claw and stopped when he saw his mother crying.

"I-is there anyway you could be... pregnant?" She asked me softly. I widened my eye and looked at Fred, he had the same expression I did.


"Fred go run a bath so we can get her cleaned up." Molly ordered.

"No mum what is going on?!" Fred yelled. Tears streaming down his face. I've never seen Fred cry before.

Molly sighed and turned to Fred and I.

"Fred I think Caleum is going through a miscarriage." Molly said softly. Tears streaming down her and Fred's face.

My entire body went stiff. A miscarriage? How is that even possible? How could I have been so stupid and not known I was pregnant?I felt hot heavy tears fall down my face. I lost my baby. Our baby. A life that Fred and I created was gone because of me and my ignorance.

Fred was stiff as a board. His fist clenching the glass he was holding. His lips slightly parted.

"A what..." He whispered with a shaky breath. Molly gestured Fred to come over to us. He crouched down level to my stomach and gently laid a hand on it. Molly pulled out her wand and casted a spell that I didn't recognize.

A faint heart beat emitted from my abdomen. The beats were weak and barley there. Fred sucked in a breath and let out a small sob, bearable audible. I just stared at the ceiling. Feeling the tiny struggling life inside me cling to life.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks onto the pillow. Fred stood up and crouched down to my face. He cupped my face and wiped away my tears. I wiped away his as well. He pushed us forehead to mine. Molly was resting her hand on my stomach, one hand over her mouth.

"Mum there's still a heart beat! That means it's still alive!" Fred cried out. Hearing his words made me sob even harder. Our baby.

"Fred, darling... it's weak, Caleum had already started the first stage of a miscarriage. She'll pass it soon." She whispered while grabbing onto our hands.

Fred leaned back on his heels and buried his face in his hands. I tried to get up to move towards him but it hurt to bad. I felt completely helpless. Like I was just waiting for our baby to die. It's a different type of pain I've experienced.

This is it.

The worst pain I've ever felt.

Everything is just gray.

Completely gray.


Streaks dhmu

I cried so hard while writing a this

I love you all


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