my explaination

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as i am writing this i'm in a puddle of tears. purity has created a beautiful escape and i'll forever cherish the beauty caleum and fred's love story. i've shamelessly crafted a tragic yet beautiful story for all of my characters whom i've grown to love like my own. however it has turned into something i didn't expect.

the comparison- as an author, and yes i am an author. it's disheartening to be compared to other people.

the drama- i came to wattpad to share my talent, my talent i didn't discover until my freshman year of high school. i didn't come here to fight for my platform.

the toxic behavior- i love each and every person who has read this story and fallen in love with my characters. all i want as a writer and a person in general is to make a difference in at least one persons life. even if that's just an escape from their reality, words that have flown from me to them or passion and heartache, whatever it is... i want it. i want it for me and you. i've been appalled by the hate and negative feedback i've gotten not only from my story but me as a person. i'm young, one if not the youngest writer in this fandom, i have made mistakes and completely understand that i will continue to make mistakes. i've shared my trauma with you, i've shared my name, my age, but my privacy has been invaded by using something that happened to me against me.

my thoughts and decisions- caleum, i love you. you are a beautiful soul and deserve to be shared. your love, heartache, and trauma have created a beautiful story that millions of people have fallen in love with.

maddie, i created you as a beautiful as i could. you were someone i confided in and trusted. you were someone that i loved so dearly. your love story is just as epic and beautiful as caleums and deserves to be shared. i'm sorry i couldn't do that for you.

layton, words cannot describe how sorry i am. im sorry you never got your happy ending you deserve. i'm sorry i made your life to difficult, but it made you who you are. i'm proud of the person i created.

fred, i wish i could hug you. i have no other words but i'm sorry for giving up on you.

call me what you will, dramatic, weak, problematic. but this story was my life at one point in time. and it's so difficult to let go. i don't know if i'll ever come back to this fandom and continue writing for harry potter. i hope i find that passion again.

until then, i'll be posting other books. if you like my work i suggest you read my other books.

Go read my rafe fanfic or else

thank you


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