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Fred Weasley:—————————————————————

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Fred Weasley:

A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.

I have not the pleasure of understanding you.

Till this moment I never knew myself.

could easily forgive his pride if he had not mortified mine

I read over the quotes from Caleums favorite book over and over again. I could recite them to millions of people by now. I've read over them millions of times since I had left.

A sob wracked in my chest as I studied her hand writing. Her A's have a funny little curve at the end, and her L's always connect into her F's.

I'm always alone. The burrow is no longer lively and warm, it's a cold and dark place that only the hardest of hearts could live in. The war is in full swing.

I twiddled my thumbs in the dark room. I've come to the Three Broom Sticks almost everyday. To get away from everyone. To leave my body.

It's been 16 days. 16 days I've felt nothing but an unbearable ache in my chest.

I miss her.

"Hello?" A voice called out and pulled me out of my heart wrenching thoughts. I looked up only to see a girl.

Her hair was a dark brown with almost white streaks framing her face. Her eyebrows were dark and her eyes were a virgin light blue. Her lips were plump, her bottom one had an indent in the middle. Like someone had left a piece of invisible string there. She was pretty.

"Are you alright?" She asked timidly. She looked down at my figure. My back was against the wall and my knees were bunched to my chest.

"M'fine" I mumbled and began to stand up.

"You don't look-" her voice got smaller when I had stood up and completely towered over her body. She's tiny, maybe five foot two and she can't weigh more than a hundred pounds. If I wrapped my hands around her waist they would overlap.

"Sorry- erm." She shook her head, her voice quiet and small. I pushed passed her, and began to walk down the cobblestone steps.

"Fred is it?" She called after me, I stopped and turned around.

"Uh yeah?" My voice came out raspy as I questioned her.

"Sorry I- I see you around you know..." She mumbled. I raised my eyebrows and leaned my left shoulder on the wall beside me.

"Around school, y'know, before everything went to shit." She breathed a laugh, and I did too.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, we fell back into an awkward silence. I saw her rub her palms down the side of her thighs. I made her nervous, I can tell.

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