pumping through my veins.

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the life of the party, that's what we are.
(watch this video for inspo, that whole scene makes me so happy)

***********(watch this video for inspo, that whole scene makes me so happy)

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"Cal, get up" I heard Fred's voice.

He was lightly shaking my shoulder to wake me up.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed in an attempt to move away from him.

I'm not a morning person.

"Cal, quit it"

"Fred shut up and let me sleep"

"It's 9:54!"

I immediately shot up out of bed making him giggle.

He got up with me already being dressed for the day.

He walked over to me to help gather my things. He attempted to flatten my bed head but giving up when my curls got caught between his fingers.

"Heavy sleeper you are" he mentioned while wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head.

"I mean when you have a big fat orgasm right before you fall asleep..."

"Yeah um about that..."


"I didn't expect that to happen or anything, that's not the reason why I wanted you to stay-"

"Fred you worry too much, it was amazing" I said while pressing a peck to his lips.

"So today's Saturday... Will I see you at the Slytherin party?"

Shit. I forgot about the party tonight.

"Um yeah Ill be there"


I entered my dorm room and everyone was asleep still. Well, everyone but Draco.

I didn't see him in bed so I assumed he was taking a shower.

I walked into the steamy bathroom.


I heard him huff before peaking his head out from behind the curtain.


"I'm back"

"I can see that" he said while pushing the curtain shut so I couldn't see in.

We used to sit in the bathroom with each other while we showered. We never looked at each other, we would just talk while one of us was in the shower and the other person sitting on the sink. That kinda stopped when he started shagging girls.

"How was it?" He asked yelling over the water.

"Fine I guess" I shrugged while pulling my body to sit on the sink.

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