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i'm drunk off you, your touch, your smell, your lips, everything about you....

Trigger warning: mentions of abuse -----------------

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Trigger warning: mentions of abuse

After dancing our absolute asses off, we all decided to get a drink. I was already pretty tipsy from the shots we downed.

I haven't seen Fred. He's probably with his friends. Fred and George have always been popular. They are probably being swarmed with people right now. He doesn't have time for me. I'll just catch him after the party.

"Hey come sit over here!!" Maddie yelled over the music.

The lights were flashing at a fast pace between red, green, yellow, and blue for each house. Parties are the only time the rivalry is put aside. Everyone just comes to enjoy themselves and be normal teenagers.

We were all sitting together and having small conversations the best we could over the loud music. I scanned the dance floor for the red hair I've learned to love. My eyes stopped when I spotted three red heads in the crowd. It was Ron, George, And Fred. They were just messing around being drunken idiots. Harry Potter, and Hermonie were laughing their asses off at them. I laughed quietly to myself at how funny they are without even trying.

My smile quickly faded when I saw Angelina grab Fred's shoulders making him turn around. He ignored her once he saw who it was.

Good boy.

She continued to try and get his attention but he just continued ignoring her. She obviously became frustrated at her failed attempts to get Fred's attention. Just as I thought this bitch would walk away she pushed her body up against Fred whispering in his ear. My blood was fucking boiling. He clearly was not interested. He was uncomfortable and it was clear to anyone.

I watched Fred's face go pale. Like he just found out his whole family died. He suddenly pushed Angelina roughly off of him and stomped away in a huff.

What the fuck?

Suddenly my blood was fucking boiling. I carried myself to where she was standing and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"I don't think he's interested..." I said with a smart ass tone. She just rolled her eyes.

"What makes you think that? He practically begs to get fucked by everyone." She yelled.

She attempted to lunge at me but I quickly grabbed her by the hem of her dress and threw her to the ground.

I leaned down opening my hand and pushed her cheek to the floor so I could whisper in her ear.

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