the first act.

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remember when we danced in the rain?

remember when we danced in the rain? ******

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After an extremely uncomfortable train ride we finally made it Kings Cross Station, Brinlee was eyeing Fred up and down clearly checking out his post orgasm look. It made me sick.

She would whisper a few thing under her breath whenever Fred would show any sort of affection towards me. Or she would have a full blown make out session with George. Ginny was obviously highly uncomfortable with the whole situation. I felt bad for her, I truly did.

"Alright mum and dad are waiting for us!" Ron yelled while slumping his arm around my shoulders.

Ron's definitely my favorite sibling.

We apparated to the burrow. Once we finally made it I looked at the house literally being held up my magic. I know Fred didn't come from much, he always had his family. Which is better than running around in a cold empty manor alone. Fred took my hand and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Mum is going to love you." He whispered.

"Fred I'm nervous, does she know I'm a slytherin?" I asked timidly.

Everyone else was already inside.

"Yes and she doesn't care about that stuff Cal..." he said while giving me a reassuring smile.

Once I finally managed to steady my heart rate, Fred and I walked in hand and hand. As soon as I walked through the old wooden door, my senses were filled with the smell of pine and freshly baked cookies. The warmth of the burrow enveloped my skin making me relax instantly. Mr and Mrs. Weasley were hugging all their children and gushing at how much taller they've gotten.

Molly hugged Harry and Hermonie welcoming them back.

She then turned her head and spotted me, Fred, George and Brinlee in the doorway.

"Oh dear!!!! Fred and George look how you two have grown!!" She beamed while coming over to them and placing loving kisses on their heads. She then turned to me immediately and her smile widened.

"Caleum dear, it's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you! You are even more beautiful then Fred described!!" She gushed while pulling me into a hug which I immediately gave back.

"Thank you much for having me Mrs. Weasley" I said while pulling away.

"Oh please love call me Molly, we are going to be the best of friends. Help yourself to anything my dear." She said while cupping my face.

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