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You pierce my soul, I am in half agony and half hope.

~{ DISCLAIMER: this chapter contains sexual content that some readers might find uncomfortable, such as light degrading, choking, spitting, orgasm denial, and rough sex

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~{ DISCLAIMER: this chapter contains sexual content that some readers might find uncomfortable, such as light degrading, choking, spitting, orgasm denial, and rough sex. My vanilla babes... I'd just skip. If you choose to stay buckle up }~

It's been two whole weeks since the party. Nothing had changed. I'm living the same cycle over and over again. I get up, go to class, ignore Fred, go to bed. It's the same thing every excruciating day. My life is so boring without him. I never realized how much he made me laugh and smile. I miss the feeling of his skin on mine. I miss everything about him. Will I ever tell him that? No. I went through all my classes today dreading potions.

I made my way to Snape's classroom and sat down and scooting my stool as far away from Fred's as possible. He entered the classroom and sat down. His scent was filling the air making my knees week. I miss the feeling of his body on mine. I pushed those thoughts to the side and tried to pay attention to Snape. He made his dramatic entrance as usual and began to speak.

"Today we will be brewing Veritaserum... you then will consume it and your partner will ask you 5 questions... I expect no funny business and to keep the questions rather... appropriate." Snape announced before going back to his desk.

"Can you get the ingredients?" I asked Fred while starting to fiddle with the cauldron.

"Why me you have two working legs." He scoffed while putting his feet up on the table. I rolled my eyes and realized he was STILL holding a grudge over making out with Adley.

"Fred I'm not asking again. Go get the fucking ingredients before I hex your ass right here." I said sternly while pushing my wand to the side of his face. I saw his lips turn up into a smirk before turning back to me.

"Of course... slut." He muttered the last word but I happened to hear it. My jaw dropped as he got up to grab the ingredients. Did he seriously just call me that?

Why did I kind of like it?

Caleum stop that's so fucked up.

Fred came back and I began brewing the potion, he didn't help at all. The only thing he did was watch the movement of my fingers every time I fiddled with something. I saw him lick his bottom lip and smirk when I pricked my finger with a thorn and licked the blood off. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat which made me turn around to face him.

"What are you up too Weasley?" I sneered while placing my hands on my hips. He looked me up and down before opening his mouth to speak.

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