the night is young.

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Come to the manor.

{ DISCLAIMER: drug use, underage drinking

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{ DISCLAIMER: drug use, underage drinking.... ect}

{DISCLAIMER first smut scene: hair pulling, light spanking, overall pretty vanilla}

{ DISCLAIMER second smut scene: bondage, rough sex, edging, male pleasure descriptions, overall kinky asffff}

(Just a small reminder that male pleasure is just as important as female pleasure. If you are uncomfortable with it I suggest you skip this chapter and do some research.)

Buckle up...

I woke up around 9 due to the cold over taking my body. I must've kicked the covers off of me when I was asleep. I rolled over and felt around the bed for Fred. When I realized he was gone I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I slowly emerged from my room after pulling my hair up and putting sweatpants on.

When I opened my door I saw Maddie exiting Draco's room looking tired as ever. I walked over to her and noticed dark hickeys and bruises all down her neck.

"Christ Maddie what happened?!" I asked while examining her neck. She pulled away and smirked to herself.

"Draco and I got into an argument last night." She said while we walked down the dark hallway to find the rest of the group.

"He didn't hurt you did he? Why do you have bruises?" I asked. "No he didn't hurt me, he was just uh- extra rough" I let out a little laugh. Talking about this only made me realize my throat was pretty sore.

Maddie and I made our way to the dining room where everyone was eating breakfast. I sat down next to Fred and Maddie sat down next to Draco. I saw Narcissa eye Maddie's neck and then look at Draco with concerned eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Draco whispered to maddie. She responded with a nod and continued to stuff her face.

"Can you guys remember to use a silencing charm next time?" Blaise muttered while poking his pancakes around on his plate. His comment made My mother and Narcissa choke on their coffee and eye the two of them.

"Shut the fuck up will you? My mum is here have some respect." Draco scoffed. "What would be respectful if I didn't have to here you shagging the living daylights out of my sister." Layton spoke up. It was now Maddie's turn to choke on her drink.

"Oh shut up will you? If it was Cal and Fred you wouldn't have an issue with it." Draco yelled. Narcissa and my mother were sitting with here hands folded and their heads down. Fred just let out a laugh and sat back in the chair. His hair was messy and his eyes looked tired. His chest was rising and falling slowly. He looked like he was deep in thought. He turned his head towards me and gave me a small smile. He grabbed my hand under the table and mouthed 'I love you'. I did it back and looked away with a huge blush on my cheeks.

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