answering your q&a questions ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧

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Merry Christmas Everybody :))))

A few days ago I had asked you all for questions and now I will go through and answer them all :D


Q: Have you had your first kiss yet?

A: No. Literally who in their right mind would wanna kiss me afxbhebdjbw


Q: Who do you believe is the ultimate top and the ultimate bottom of ateez?

A: Well if it wasn't obvious *COUGH* I think the ultimate bottom of ateez is Yeosang, but besides Sangie I think San. As for the top..... I have no idea. Depending on certain ships, certain members in my preference either top or bottom. Like for instance literally everyone is a switch in my mind but Yeosang.... yes I am a tad bit biased-


Q: Will you ever bring your seongsang book back?

A: 2 Marks was never a Seongsang book, it was actually a Woosansang book, but I can tell why you may have thought about it being Seongsang. As for will I bring it back, the answer is yes! I was unhappy with my writng back then, but I am currently rewriting the book and improving it. 2 Marks isn't my main priority right now but it will come back one day :3


Q: if you could meet one member of ateez who would it be?

A: Man, I would have said Yeosang but I'm going to have to with Hongjoong. I appreciate Hongjoong and everything he does for ateez, he deserves all the praise in the world. Truly an inspiring role model, I wish I could be like him some day.


Q: Will you be my friend?

A: I know you said you were joking but like my dms are always open :3

Q: Have you ever experienced writers block and if so, how do you get out of such circumstances? (owo)

A: I have unfortunately experienced writers block. At first I wasn't sure on how to get rid of the block, but slowly I came to overcome the situation. Crazy as it sounds, I just started reading and watching movies along with taking long breaks in between. When reading I would envision the characters in the story to be characters of my liking, then I start pondering about how I would have taken the story, which actions would have changed and what decisions I would have made. I do not mean to steal others works, I am simply testing myself to see if I have that spark of creativity left. If something comes I write it down and if not I keep reading. If books don't work, I watch movies. Visualizing, seeing the actions portrayed before me without having to imagine them might seem easier to some. So as I did with the books I would do the same in movies, sometimes even take random scenes and just build upon that itself, nothing even relating to the original story plot of the movie. Dreams and poems are great places to seek inspiration, but if that does not end well you may need a break to forget about writing. It was what I needed not too long and it surely did help. (AHABDJSHS I WROTE TOO MUCH I'M SORRY I HOPE I HELPED AND DIDN'T JUST RAMBLE ON DJSNSJAN)

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