Yunsang (fluff, angst)

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It was another day...

The sky above was scattered with colors of oranges, and reds, and pinks. It was almost as if someone took buckets of paint and threw it toward the sky creating a wonderful masterpiece.

I had my arm wrapped around your waist as you laid your head against my shoulder. Your cute little bunny ears brushing against me.

I looked at you lovingly and smiled...

Your eyes sparkled brightly, your lips curved into a little smile, and your cheeks dusted a light pink.

You were beautiful, gorgeous, angelic, and ethereal. How I had managed to find someone like you, only heavens knows. But one thing was for sure I wanted you by my side forever.

Slowly time passed by...

We watched the once bright colored sky fade into a navy blue. The navy blue sky now scattered with small bright stars. The moon rose high above our heads showering us in moonlight.

You snuggled in closer to me and I ran my fingers through your soft brown hair. It was nights like these I enjoyed the most.

Nights I spent with you by my side...

I fell backwards towards the soft grass dragging you with me. You whined but quickly I wrapped my arms around you making you smile.

I nuzzled our noses together hearing your cute little giggle. It brought a smile to my face. I caught you looking at my lips and I looked at yours. I gently caressed your cheek and looked into your eyes. You nodded your head and slowly I leaned in

It was a short gentle kiss...

Although short and gentle I felt the sparks fly as our lips touched. It felt electricity flow through my body and veins. I knew you felt it too since your body trembled ever so slightly.

I parted with a smile and you giggled. I held you close to me and softly I whispered looking into your soft brown eyes.

"Yeosangie, my beautiful lovely boyfriend, my love for you is deeper than the deepest ocean, taller than the tallest mountain, hotter than the hottest dessert, and denser than the densest forest. You have and always will be my other half. My love for you is truly eternal. I love you."

A silent tear rolled down your face and I gently wiped it away. And before I knew it you started sobbing.

I pulled you closer towards me and let you cry into my chest. I knew you weren't crying because of sadness. These were tears of joy, of love.

You quietly calmed down whispering and I love you too. You slowly relaxed into my arms. I stroked your bunny ears and you shivered slightly.

I laughed and cooed at your cuteness. You were my adorable little bunny. You were small and sensitive in my arms. I felt the urge to protect you from everyone and everything.

But slowly my mind began filling up with negative thoughts....

What if someone hurt you? What if I couldn't protect you? What if you were separated from me? What if I never see you again? What if I lost you....forever?

No, I need to be strong. If I want you safe I will have to protect you.

If I dont want to lose you, I have to not let go.

"Hey Sangie?"

"Yes Yun?" You whispered.

"Can you promise me something?"

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