Minsang (fluff)

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Yeosang and Mingi were sitting in the living room opposite from eachother. Yeosang was playing a game while Mingi was scrolling through Twitter.

He kept scrolling and scrolling until he came upon a thread. It was a thread of Yeosang being tiny next to him.

He peeked over to see Yeosang being busy playing a game so he decided to check it out.

He looked through the photos and couldn't help but smile. He didn't notice it before but Yeosang really looked so tiny next to him. It was so cute.

"What are you smiling at?"

Mingi looked up down his phone and around the room. Soon he locked eyes with Yeosang who was staring at him.


"I asked you what you were smiling at."

"Oh..... it's nothing really."

Mingi turned his gaze back to his phone.

Yeosang eyed him suspiciously. He didnt know why but he had a gut feeling that whatever Mingi was smiling at was about him.

He returned his gaze to his phone. He was concentrating on his game when he suddenly heard Mingi laugh.

He looked away from his game and saw a bright smile on Mingis face. Whatever he was looking at was making him really happy.

He didn't know why but seeing Mingi all smiley and happy made him a tad bit jealous....but he wouldn't admit that.

"What are you laughing at Mingi?"

Mingi looked up once again and just smiled.

"Oh I'm just looking at something, that's all."

He looked back at his phone and Yeosang decided to brush it off. Well that is till not even a minute later he heard Mingi laugh again.

Yeosang huffed and got out of his seat. He needed to know what was making Mingi smile so much.

"I wanna see."

He tried taking the phone out of Mingi's hands but Mingi was quick to hold it out of reach from Yeosang.

"I don't think so."

"I wanna see!"

Yeosang was getitng close to grabbing his phone out of his hand so Mingi stood up. He had to hold back a laugh because Yeosang had to tippy toe up to reach his hand. Even then he couldn't really reach. He was just that tiny.

"If you can reach I'll show you." Mingi said with a small smirk on his face.

"That isn't fair! Your a literal giant!" Yeosang crossed his arms and had a pout on his lips.

"Aww look at you your so cute."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"Am not!"

"Yes you are."

"I am not!"

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